Saturday, December 27, 2014


I am attempting to resurrect this very dead blog. Working a full time job + raising a toddler + the very uninteresting life I live has left me with nothing to write about. I'm hoping that will change for a short bit as we now have some excitement going on. I am pregnant!! I doubt there is anyone that doesn't already know this considering we told family via Christmas cards and friends over Facebook.

Well, I am 10 weeks mad finally feeling a bit better. I wasn't very sick with Avery but I was slightly more ill with this baby, no throwing up thankfully, but still very nauseous. Fatigue has been rampant but this time around I have a pre-schooler and a career so naps are not an option. (Yeah, Avery started pre-school 2 weeks ago. I really don't appreciate her growing up). In addition to morning sickness and fatigue I am also battling teenage acne, super sore breasts, and getting thicker around the middle. Overall, I am a mess at this point haha.

In August I started using portion control, kind of, I still eat way more than a recommended serving size but I am no longer stuffing my face with food until I want to die. Since then I have lost 15lbs, although you wouldn't know it since I am already in my maternity pants lol. I start prenatal yoga in January to keep me fit, I was a gym rat with Avery but I really don't have that kind of time anymore.

So all is well I'm the Lyon household at this point. We plan to stay in our Nampa home for another year because I really don't feel like moving while pregnant. Avery is growing insanely quick, I am only able to write this because we are at Jabbers (a giant indoor play place). Steven is still working from home, he just finished his fall semester of college and is currently out predator hunting with his dad.

Until next week folks.

10 weeks