Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bloginity: The Origins of Avery

I have finally lost my bloginity. I was inspired after reading a blog written by a fellow Army wife/mother/friend in Korea. This is the perfect way for people who lack a FB (such as my parents) to stay up to date on our life. This first post is going to be a random mess just FYI.

Steven and I married in December 2010. Steven wanted to start a family from the moment we said 'I do' but I was not willing to be pregnant without him by my side so we waited. He was sent to South Korea, his first duty station, in March. I moved to Korea a month later on our own dime with my life in two suitcases. While in Korea we were guaranteed a year together and decided to start our family. I had preemptively started taking prenatal vitamins in February, went to the dentist (good oral hygiene is important for pregnant women), and had a preconception appointment with my doctor the week before I moved so I felt slightly prepared. We spent a week living in a hotel, also on our dime, before moving into our apartment in the city. 

I took a pregnancy test on Steven's birthday later that month. We had agreed to wait until May 1st to test but I got up early that morning and couldn't wait another day to test. I brushed my teeth looking at everything but the pregnancy test trying to pass the time. It was positive! I excitedly ran into our bedroom, test in hand, and woke up Steven. I told him I had a birthday present for him but he sleepily told me I already bought him a bike and tried to go back to sleep. I informed my dear husband that I had taken the pregnancy test early which caused him to perk up. I told him it was positive and showed him the test. We held each other in a loving embrace for a few minutes. 

We were very strapped for time that morning as we had to attend a Korean head start class. We decided to call our parents after class as we only had 5 minutes to spare and doubted the calls would be that short. We HAD to tell someone though. Steven called his friend Mitch (congrats Mitch you were the first person to find out we were pregnant) and I called my friend Kristen. Telling someone allowed us to get through the excruciatingly long class. 

After class Steven called his mom at 4am her time. She apparently didn't believe him, hung up and didn't answer the phone again haha. My parents were on their way to work when I told them over Skype. My mom was happy for us, I think my dad was too busy thinking of ways to murder Steven :)

                            April 28 2011: the beginning of the journey known as motherhood

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