This week Avery had a play date with two boys! Pagi, Bentlee, Avery and I went over to our friend Jess' house early in the week. Avery got to "play" with 1 month old Bentlee and 3 month old Mic. It was so nice to get out of the house!
On Thursday our apartment complex had another break in. The family was American and had only left the house for 30 minutes when the break in happened which supports my "targeting Americans" theory. The thieves broke into the family's house and cleaned them out. We're not sure how they got into the home since the door needs a code not a key. We used to only dead bolt the doors at night but now double dead bolt the door at all times.
Playing Borderlands 2 with Daddy
One major downside to the military is their shaving policy. Steven must be clean shaven at all times, its kind of a drag. I'm a little bummed that he can't participate in No Shave November but I look forward to all my civilian friends' attempt at facial hair.

Friday was not the best day :( No amount of ice, elevation, rest or ibuprofen was helping relieve the pain in my knee. After several hours of pain I finally broke down and asked Steven to take me to the emergency room. We bathed Avery and dropped her off at Kendig's house, a girl that works with Steven. Steven took me to Good Morning Hospital, its a Korean hospital but I don't like Dankook University Hospital and 121 was way too far away. It was our first time at Good Morning so we had no clue where to go. A Korean man pointed us in the right direction. The ER staff spoke English pretty well and helped me right away. After filling out a quick questionnaire the nurse injected me with some kind of pain killer and gave me a few x-rays. The doctor reviewed my x-rays with me a few minutes later. My bones looked good and there wasn't any excess fluid that needed to be drained.
As we were looking at the x-rays the orthopedic surgeon showed up in the ER. He was dropping off some chocolates to the staff before going home but was gracious enough to examine me. I laid on the exam table and the surgeon started moving my leg around in all sorts of crazy ways. He kept asking if it hurt but it didn't. Steven and I had completely forgotten that the nurse shot me up with pain killers. After we told him that he moved my leg in a specific way and that HURT even with the pain killers. The orthopedic surgeon is pretty sure I tore my meniscus. He told me to come back the next day for an MRI and went on his way. A few minutes later he returned with another American couple. He saw that the woman had a dislocated shoulder and was willing to help her too before he went home. The surgeon kicked off his shoes, put his foot in the lady's arm pit and put her arm back in its place while she was still talking. She didn't even notice him do it and was moving her arm like normal within seconds. I've only seen one other dislocated shoulder get fixed, the ER made Quinn put his own arm back in its socket and that was not fun to watch.

She LOVES sleeping on her belly
The next day as we were heading to the car for my MRI the hospital called to tell me my appointment was postponed until Tuesday. We were already dressed so we went to Osan instead. Steven and I split lunch and went grocery shopping. I left my crutches in the car so that I could push Avery's stroller while Steven pushed the cart. I only made it through a few aisle before I took Avery to sit in the car because of the pain. That evening was awful. The surgeon twisting my leg and walking around the store without crutches caught up to me. I was in tears.
Learning about static electricity
Since I've been on my butt all week Steven has been playing the role of mom and dad. The doctor prescribed Norco at night since I couldn't sleep through the pain. It helps me sleep but is powerful. I don't hear Avery cry at night and end up sleeping until 10am or later each morning. Steven explained the situation to his higher ups at work and they agreed to let him stay home to take care of the baby since I am unable to. Steven has been taking care of Avery non-stop all week. He changes, clothes, plays, and bathes Avery. He also puts her down for naps, bedtime and gets up with her at night. I've had plenty of time to sew a baby blanket for Avery since I can't do anything else. The only thing I can do baby-wise is feed Avery her dinner and her bottles because those are both sitting jobs. If I am on my feet too much I could do more damage to myself. The doctor told us walking around is how fluid builds up, I don't want my knee drained or surgery so I am on the lazy boy all day. I absolutely HATE sitting around, its a miserable existence.

Avery Quinn - 9 months 26 days
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