On September 29th, I had a biopsy of a lymph node in my neck. I went to the hospital at 8:45 am and was assured by the staff it would be a quick 10 minutes procedure and I'd be on my way, but that's not how it happened at all. First of all we were in a TINY room with myself on the bed, the ultrasound machine, the ultrasound tech, the tech-in-training, the doctor, and the pathologist...The ultrasound tech was there to guide the doctor during the procedure but the small wand wouldn't work for some reason so they had to use the big one (like the one's used during pregnancy), the lymph node is right under my chin so the wand had to be pressed very hard against my jaw bone to see properly. I was initially told that the doctor would either do a thin needle biopsy or a core biopsy but at the last second he decided to do BOTH. I told the nurse I don't do well with needles, naturally the first thing out of the doctor's mouth was: "Wow, that is a HUGE needle!" I wanted to kick him in the shin. The doctor numbed me before the procedure, he stuck me 8 times before I was fully numb. The thin needle biopsies weren't horrible but it was a really weird sensation that I didn't like. To get the sample the doctor had to insert the long thin needle into my neck and then shake the needle and myself around like crazy - he did that 4 times.
The core biopsies were much more awful. The doctor used a long hollow needle to pierce my lymph node and snip a piece of the "core", that was the plan at least. The doctor stupidly held the needle in front of my face while talking with the nurse so I saw how big that thing was, seriously it looked like one of those coffee straws. As soon as the needle went into my neck I felt discomfort, he removed the needle and inserted it several different times before he found a spot he like. At that point discomfort had turned to pain, I told the doctor but he assured me I was numb. I was embarrassed and tried to tough it out but it was increasingly painful, I was focusing on the ultrasound tech to distract from the pain but she looked horrified which wasn't comforting. The doctor finally got tired of my pained sounds and begrudgingly agreed to numb me so more. As he removed the needled from my neck he commented to the tech that I have very thick skin (side story: I've heard that a lot in the past but most memorably is when I got my belly buttoned pierced. The guy couldn't get the needle into my skin and had to have someone basically hold me down because I was being pushed off the table in an attempt to pierce me. The guy took a 5 minute break before piercing my cousin because he said his hand hurt from applying so much pressure.) Anyhow, the doctor couldn't get the needle into my lymph node and actually bent the needle in an attempt to do so which is why the tech looked so horrified. I was not a happy camper when the doctor asked for the biggest, strongest needle they had instead. The biopsy attempt with the larger needled caused a lot of bleeding and had to be done twice.
The "10 minute" procedure took nearly 2 hours because of all the mishaps. I was in SO much pain afterwards that I skipped out on work, I wasn't even allowed to take anything for the pain because of the bleeding risk. It was a really crappy Monday.
Last weekend Steven and I saw Jim Gaffigan (the comedian) in Boise. We don't have TV, only Netflix, and we don't often listen to the radio so we had NO idea that Jim Gaffigan was even coming to Idaho until a few days before the show. Steven scoured Craigslist for several days and managed to get us tickets! I had so much fun at the show, my entire torso was so sore from all the laughing. The only part about the show that was sucky is the fact that it didn't start until 9:45 pm and I had mandatory overtime at work the next morning. I was barely coherent the next morning at work but afterwards I met Steven, Avery, and my parents for lunch before we all went Christmas shopping together (spoiler alert: Avery is the most spoiled toddler ever).
Steven and I at the show
We've been doing Sunday family breakfast instead of family dinner because of Quinn's work schedule. I skipped this week's breakfast to sleep in, but Steven and Avery ate with my parents. I'm glad my mom got to see Avery before her trip to Arizona for work stuff.

I finally got my biopsy results on Tuesday the 7th. I got horrible news :( All the pain I went through was for absolutely nothing. The biopsy revealed nothing because the IDIOT doctor never actually biopsied the lymph node. Seriously?! WTF was he stabbing at for 2 hours then?? To add insult to injury the ENT doctor said whatever is causing the swelling is "probably" not cancer but he can't be sure. I wanted to throw an adult-sized temper tantrum right then and there. The ENT doc said the only thing they can do is completely remove the lymph node but he warned that there is a nerve belt dangerously close to that lymph node and if anything goes wrong part of my mouth could be paralyzed. Hmmmm, let me see. Should I let the idiot, who can't even poke my lymph node with a needle, cut my neck wide open and possible paralyze my mouth? The answer is no.
The remainder of the week was pretty dull. We went to my parent's house on Saturday for a family meal. My mom made her AMAZING chicken casserole, needless to say we all ate until we were sick. My dad surprised Avery with a play tent, she loved it! After dinner we went to Cassius' 2nd birthday party. I first met Cassius at Avery's 1st birthday party. He was born at 28 weeks and after 3 months give or take, he was released from the hospital. He's such a little love bug, he stole my heart.
Avery and her Mimi
Sunday was mellow and wonderful. We met my parents for breakfast at the Cracker Barrel. Last time we went there my dad bought Avery a battery powered pig that walks and oinks. This time around he bought her a Peppa Pig stuff animal haha and halfway through breakfast my dad left the table to buy her a George Pig (Peppa's little brother). My dad spoils Avery. We went group shopping afterwards, Yvette met us at the store so it was a real party then. After shopping we swapped cars with Yvette so she could spend some time with Avery. Steven and I went home to be productive, he did 5 hours of homework! He is going hunting next week so he has to get all of his assignments in early. Avery and I spent the evening decorating for Halloween :) And she got to wear her new Elsa (from Frozen) outfit.
Avery Quinn
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