Tuesday was the day from hell, not only was it the day we flew internationally with a 1 year old in my lap but it was double horrible because we flew "back in time" and had to experience Tuesday all over again. We started Tuesday off at 4:30 am to catch the "bus" to Incheon airport. I say "bus" because even though it was advertised as a bus and there was a picture of a bus when we bought the tickets its was actually a van.... A van with a driver that did 20 kph under the speed limit and had the heater set to inferno. It took 2 hours to get to the airport during which time we saw many vehicles crumpled on the side of the road and witnessed a pretty scary accident. When we finally got to Incheon the "bus" driver dropped us off at the complete opposite side of the airport. We had a baby, stroller, car seat, 3 back packs and 5 pieces of luggage so that was a fun walk... When we finally got to the correct counter we were informed that they were closed for another hour. As we sat and waited flights were being cancelled left and right due to bad weather. Thankfully the weather let up and our flight wasn't cancelled, I'm 99% sure I would have punched someone in the throat if it had been. We got through security fairly quickly and had time to let Avery crawl around the baby play room to burn energy.

Playing around Incheon International Airport - Korea
Our first flight was to Japan. The plane was insanely nice, we were put in a row with only 2 seats so we didn't have to worry about disturbing people and each seat had a personal TV so that I could watch Discovery channel while Steven watched Avengers. Avery slept most of the first flight so she had tons of energy when we got to Narita. We let her play in the airport playroom and she quickly made some Japanese friends. Not to be racist, but it was weird seeing a different type of Asian. Before I living in Korea I couldn't tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc but now I can.
Our flight to Japan
Gotta catch 'em all, POKEMON!
Playing with Japanese kids
The flight to the US was more horrible than I could have imagined. We moved seats 3 times and the flight attendants tried to move us a fourth, by the time we got settled Avery was cranky (to be fair we were all cranky). This plane did not have the nice personal TVs so we were forced to watch whatever the airline decided - Steven and I didn't put our headphones in for a single second to watch the awful movies/shows. Avery spent several hours squirming, hitting, biting, and crying. She wanted nothing to do with Steven so I spent a solid two hours killing my lower back by awkwardly rocking back and forth in the seat to calm her.
Just as Avery fell asleep the plane began shaking violently. I'm not stranger to flying and have been on close to 90 flights - this was the absolute worst turbulence I had ever experienced. The plane shook and dropped for a straight hour during which time the flight attendants frantically ran around before all disappearing in the back. Many passengers around me were crying, praying and panicking. I'm not afraid of flying and for some reason don't really fear death so I was calm and cool. At one point I honestly thought we were going to lose the right wing. The little map on the TV showed the plan directly in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I found myself thinking that if the plane did go down and we miraculously survived the crash that we would surely die of hypothermia before rescue came; I wondered if I should put our passports in our clothing so that our bodies could be identified if found. It had taken 4 hours to fly that distance and it was the middle of winter, there would be no hope. I kissed Avery continually and snuggled her to keep her calm, I contemplated whether or not to put her baby carrier in case we went down so that we wouldn't be separated It was a very odd yet affirming moment for me. In a time where others were panicking I was accepting that whatever happens happens and I was okay with that.
We finally landed in San Francisco after 9 horrible hours. Steven and I hadn't slept a minute during the flight, all three of us were grumpy. It took forever to get through customs. People were cutting in line and just plain rude. At one point Steven asked me why everyone was giving us the stink eye, I had to tell him that is just how Americans look. I had honestly forgotten how douchey Americans are, no wonder the rest of the world hates us. Korea sucked, but at least the people were kind.
Our layover in San Fran was roughly 4 hours. We ate and hung out at the gate letting Avery crawl around. The plane to Boise was a tiny thing but the flight was only two hours. Avery slept the entire flight, I dozed off for 20 minutes which was the most sleep I had gotten in 24 hours.
Waiting for our flight to Boise
When we landed in Boise we had a welcome party waiting for us: my parents, Steven's parents, grandparents, sister and cousin were all there :) Avery wanted nothing to do with any of them and clung to me. We were exhausted so my parents took us home, on the way they stopped at Los Batos which Steven has been craving for almost a year. Quinn and his girlfriend, Ashley, were at the house when we got there. We celebrated second Christmas that evening while trying to stay awake until bedtime. I don't think I've ever slept so hard in my life.
Wednesday was possibly the greatest day of the week. The moment we found out we were moving back home I knew I wanted to surprise my friend Kristen. It was tough! We found out we were moving back in August but since we didn't have a date we decided not to tell anyone - who wants to hear "When are you coming home? Have you heard anything yet?" everyday when its out of your control? We didn't get an actual date until mid-December so I'm glad we kept that info to ourselves. Once we did get a date I began blocking Kristen from all of my posts/pictures having to do with our move. The secrecy was killing me.
Kristen's older sister, Taush, was helping me with the surprise. On Wednesday she went over to Kris' house. When I got to Kristen's house Taush 'went to her car to get something' so she could let me in. Taush told Kristen that she had found something on the doorstep and I walked in with Avery. I expected tears or at least squeals of happiness but Kristen was just sitting on the floor staring at me, she was definitely in shock. Kris wasn't very talkative until about 20 minutes later when I think it started to sink in. It was the best! Avery had a blast playing with Kristen's 2 1/2 year old, Conner. I think they are going to be best friends once she can walk and keep up.
Conner and Avery giving hugs
I had to go to the dentist this week. During the stress of the move I began clenching my teeth in my sleep which I hadn't done in years. While sleeping I cracked my tooth :( Of course it was one of the teeth I had already chipped while skateboarding 13 years prior. I was not a happy camper when I realized what had happened. Thankfully the dentist was able to get me in so soon. I expected the appointment to take an hour at least so I suggested Steven and Avery go to his grandparents' house after they dropped me off. The dentist fixed my tooth in under 5 minutes just as Steven had gotten to his grandparents' house. I felt awful asking him to leave to pick me up but didn't have much choice since we were sharing a car.
We got a new (to us) car on Friday! It is SO nice to be a two car family again, its been two years since I've had my own vehicle. Steven and I bought a Dodge Durango, it is perfect for our family :)
Our new car :)
We celebrated a third Christmas this week. On Saturday the three of us went over to Steven's grandparents' house. Avery got a TON of gifts, it was ridiculous. We spent a few hours over there catching up while Avery played with her new toys. The evening ended with Avery having a blowout diaper so bad that she went straight into the bath. She had peed through her clothes earlier that day while running errands so I had already used up the back up pair of clothes I keep in her bag. Thankfully Steven's grandma let us open one of Avery's birthday gifts early - it was clothes!
Her "oooooh" face
So pleased :)
Poopy pants needed a bath
Sunday, the end of a very long week. I realized that Sunday was the 6th - Avery's original due date. Its been the longest yet quickest year of my life. The day was pretty normal. Steven, Avery, mom and I went to Winco - unless you've ever lived in another country I don't think you'll ever realize how lucky you are to have the simple pleasure of a Winco/Walmart/24-hour gas station. Steven still needed to find work shorts so we dropped Avery off at his parents' house after she napped. Steven and I went to several different stores without luck, we even resorted to going to the mall (Steven HATES the mall), but I got a dulce de leche shake out of it :) After almost 3 hours of searching we gave up the shorts search, picked up Avery, and went home.
Sundays are family dinner night at my parents' house. I made crockpot chili for everyone including Quinn and Ashley. I think the family was skeptical at first because I make chili a bit different but everyone claimed to love it and there were no leftovers :) Steven and I gave the family their Christmas presents after dinner - it was a great evening.
Avery Quinn - (almost) 1 year old