Avery's erratic sleeping pattern has been killing me which is why I am a week late posting this - one night she sleeps great and the next night she sleeps an hour because of night terrors :/ It has been a real struggle to get out of bed in the morning.
To make matters worse on Monday evening I realized that Avery had a rash on her chest and belly. We had been on the lookout for chicken pox ever since we found out Steven had Shingles. I called the pediatrician on Tuesday morning, they said it sounded like chicken pox and they didn't want me to bring her in the office because she may infect other children.

I had a doctor appointment on Wednesday so Steven's grandparents watched Avery for me. The appointment was a little hectic - I was there for a simple check up but things kept going wrong. The doctor told me they would need a urine sample so during the Q&A portion of the visit I was chugging water. When it came time for me to use the restroom we were told that all the bathrooms in the office were out of order because of a broken water main. I instantly regretted all the water I drank because I really had to go! I wasn't the only one, several patients were doing the potty dance in the hall way waiting to see if the toilet could be fixed - about 15 minutes later one toilet was functional again.
After that fiasco the nurse was ready to take my vitals, everything went smoothly except for the blood pressure. The nurse took my blood pressure twice, once with the machine and once by hand, before getting the doctor. The doctor tried another three times to get my blood pressure and then ordered an EKG. The EKG was interesting for several reasons, the main one being that I had to be completely topless during the procedure. The nurse stuck several sticky things to my arms, legs, and chest and told me to lay perfectly still. I did as I was told but soon the nurse told me the machine wasn't taking my reading... so I continued to lay there, half naked, while the nurse beat up the machine. After the EKG the doctor said everything looked fine but sent me for blood work to recheck my thyroid, ferritin levels, and see if I was still anemic. I had 3 vials of blood drawn but thankfully I didn't get dizzy or nauseous. When I called Steven's grandma to let her know I was on my way she told me Avery had just fallen asleep and to kill some time, I tried to kill time but I don't know what to even do with free time anymore. When I got to Steven's grandparents' house Avery had just woken up, it was perfect timing.

Wearing dangle ear rings
That evening Avery started acting like her old self again. Yvette came over to get Avery for a sleep over, she bought Avery new clothes and a winter jacket! Yvette took Avery back to Steven's grandparents' house while Steven and I went to the fair so she took our Durango and we took her truck. We had planned to double date with Quinn and Ashley but they went to the fair about an hour and a half before us :/ We ate delicious food, watched little pigs race, and went on two rides :) Steven and I went to a specialty candy and soda shop afterwards. The poor cashier said she has to watch Willy Wonka over 10x a day.... I would gouge my eyes out with a lollipop.
100% how I felt at the fair. Avery will never be allowed out of the house looking so skanky.
From the top of the ferris wheel
The next morning Yvette dropped off Avery and brought me coffee!! It was such a nice gesture since at this point we still though Avery had chicken pox and I couldn't go anywhere because of it. A storm rolled through that day and knocked out our power for 2 hours! Steven went out and got us dinner since we couldn't cook and we had a nice electricity-free meal. The house was getting really hot without the AC so we decided to hang out at Steven's dad's house but just as we were getting ready to leave the power came back on. I went to the gym that night, I ran 1 miles, did 100 lunges, 40 sit up and only managed 10 push ups lol.
Sick baby in our bed
Friday was pretty fun. My mom came over after work so the two of us could go dress shopping for my grandparents' vow renewal in October. I found a cute dress at the first store we went to which NEVER happens so I was very happy. My mom found a few cute items but wasn't 100% sold on them so she decided to wait and look around since we still have a few weeks before the trip. While we were shopping Steven decided to take Avery to the doctor, he didn't think she actually had the chicken pox because her rash wasn't getting any worse. The doctor confirmed that Avery didn't have the chicken pox but instead some kind of virus, she had a low grade fever (which I already knew) and the rash was just a symptom of the viral infection. I was so happy that it wasn't chicken pox because I was going crazy in the house. To celebrate her new found freedom the two of us walked to the gas station :)

Saturday was very relaxing. Steven and I started off our day by exercising our 2nd amendment rights. An anti-gun group was boycotting Starbucks that day because Starbucks allows guns inside their locations. Steven and I went to Starbucks, both open carrying our guns, to support Starbucks - BUT its Idaho so no one even batted an eye lash at us lol. That afternoon we went to Steven's dad's house for dinner. It was a really mellow dinner, just what we needed.
Playing on grandpa's ATV
Steven riding his dad's motorcycle
We had dinner at my parents' house on Sunday as usual. There was a package waiting for Avery when we got there from Nana. She sent Avery some super cute clothes and a girly tote with Avery's name on it :)
Avery Quinn - 19 months