This is last week's update but I'm dragging ass lately, fatigue has decided to hit again.
The Lyon family had a pretty full week. We found out that next month Steven has to start a hectic new schedule. Its basically working one week a normal 8am - 5pm and the next week 11am - 8pm, while alternately working Saturdays as well. The really crappy part is that he will be alternating this crazy schedule with my dad so our family events are going to be put on hold for a few months.
Steven and my dad worked this schedule last year as well and it was very difficult on the family, this year I am mostly worried about how this will effect my yoga class haha. I have yoga on Monday and Thursday from 5:45 - 6:45pm so I will need to figure out how this will work. I'm hoping my instructor will work with me and allow me to pay per class instead of per month. We shall see.
Avery in her new apron that her great-grandmother made her :D
Steven and I were supposed to spend this weekend in McCall properly celebrating our 4 year anniversary but we had to reschedule. Steven is (well was) considered a private contractor because of his work-from-home job, the downside of that is: 1. he got paid twice a month BUT it was via snail mail so we were never sure when his paycheck would actually come. 2. his private contractor status was making it very difficult to get a mortgage. 3. taxes were not taken out of his paychecks so we ended up owing an entire year of taxes when we filed. Starting January 1st, Steven made the switch to a regular employee so that he has taxes taken out and actually gets a W-2. The terrible part is that he got a regular 2 week paycheck at the end of December and won't get paid again until January 31st. So during this transition we've had a month's worth of bills and only a 2 week paycheck to pay them. We've eaten so much top ramen and microwavable burritos lol. So we rescheduled our McCall trip for March when we have money.

Puddle jumping
In baby-related news: I am now 13 weeks and feeling absolutely gigantic. My baby app says the baby is the size of a peach but seriously its like James and the Giant Peach in there :/ I've unintentionally lost another 1 1/2 pounds this week, but the baby is still growing fine. We had an ultrasound this week, I was told at my first appointment I would only get 1 ultrasound at 20 weeks, so it was nice to see the baby this early. This baby is camera shy just like Avery was, both hands covering the face haha. I find myself referring to the baby as "he" now. With Avery I had the undeniable gut feeling that she was a girl from the very beginning but I don't have that with this baby. I kind of feel like it will be a boy so I'm just going with it for now because Steven and I are still undecided on whether or not we are finding out the gender. Steven 100% wants to find out the gender ASAP, while I change my mind about a million times a day on the subject.
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