I'm now 20 weeks (closer to 21 weeks at this point), I'm now half-way through my pregnancy, give or take 2 weeks on either end. I've reached the point in pregnancy where I can no longer put on shoes without hurting myself :/ Thankfully the weather has been gorgeous and I've been able to wear sandals. This pregnancy is completely different from Avery, with her I easily put on my shoes while in labor, but Avery was high and tight while this kid is low and wide.
I'm actually really bummed about being half-way done with this pregnancy. Women only get to experience pregnancy a few times in their life, and I enjoy being pregnant. I hope we can have a third child YEARS down the road but only time will tell.
Avery's insanely long hair
Anyway, I had my 20 week appointment and ultrasound today. Steven and my mom were both able to make it to the appointment :) The ultrasound tech confirmed that this baby is a GIRL :D That news confirmed what we were told when I visited the hospital at 16 weeks so we've already had time to digest the news. I'm very excited but also really regretting the fact that I gave away all of Avery's baby stuff. We weren't planning on having another child for a long while so I gave the clothes to other moms or traded them in for toddler clothes haha.
This baby looked great on the ultrasound - the baby is about 10.5 inches long, roughly the size of a large banana. We confirmed with the ultrasound tech that this baby didn't have a velamentous cord insertion like Avery did. Thankfully VCI only occurs in 1% of pregnancies so this baby is in the clear :) Now that we know for sure this baby is a girl we start the difficult process of choosing a name!
20 weeks
In other news, Steven and I made some final arrangements on our belated anniversary trip to McCall. Somehow Steven and I keep getting further and further away from our actual anniversary by the time we can celebrate. The only year we have actually celebrated on time was our 1 year anniversary which was pre-kids haha. Year 2 was celebrated in February, year 3 we were in the ER with Avery getting stitches, and year 4 celebrating in March haha. Our anniversary was in December but it took us these 3 months to save a bit of money for the overnight trip. Ahhh being poor sucks! I'm really excited for our trip though, we go this weekend :D

I'll end this week's update on the fact that I'm extremely disappointed in the state of Idaho. In our great country there are 47 states that have laws that specifically protect a mother's right to breastfeed in ANY public or private location. Two of the remaining states - South Dakota and Virginia - protect mothers from public indecency or nudity laws (although Virginia is in the process of joining the other 47 states in being awesome). And then there is Idaho...close-minded, pathetic Idaho. I just so happen to live in the ONLY state in the entire country that has ZERO laws in place to protect my right to breastfeed. Idaho has the highest percentage of breastfeeding mothers in the country at 91.8% while the national average is only 76%, even past the 1 year mark 45% of Idaho moms still nurse while the average is only 27%. How is there nothing in place to protect so many women?! I'm baffled. So just a heads up, since the law won't protect me I will take matters into my own hands and throat-punch anyone who complains about me breastfeeding this baby girl.

Steven and Avery at the Monster Jam
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