Monday was Steven's appointment, it was an awful day. I won't say what procedure was done for his privacy but he was put under general anethesia. I was told it would only be 40 minutes from start to finish before I could take him home but that was not the case at all. When Steven was wheeled into Recovery he was groggy but seemed to be doing well. Within 20 minutes he was in pain. The nurses had him walk around which made things worse, he became very nausea and after a few minutes was in agony. Two doctors and 3 nurses swarmed around him and in a flash he was being wheeled away to xray. I sat stunned waiting for someone to return and explain what the heck was going on. At this point Avery started freaking out because she was in a wet diaper. I had only brought enough diapers to last the "40 minutes max" timeframe and didn't have anymore in my backpack. The hotel we were staying at is only a minute drive from the hospital.
One of Steven's nurses finally returned. I was told he would be in xray for 20 minutes which was more than enough time to run and get more diapers from our hotel room. The nurse then casually told me I couldn't leave because Steven may need emergency surgery to fix a possible mistake the doctor made during his procedure and if so I would need to sign consent forms. So there I am with a screaming infant, completely alone, waiting to hear if my husband will be okay. I really wished I could have had someone, anyone, there with me for support. Thankfully Steven didn't need surgery and after he insisted on being discharged I was able to take him "home". The 3 of us were exhausted after being in the hospital for 4 hours and went straight back to the hotel room. I was given strict instructions to keep Steven in bed for the rest of the day which wasn't hard because he fell asleep almost instantly. Avery was still fussy, I didn't want to risk her waking Steven up so I took her to the food court. It was 4pm and I hadn't eaten anything that day but I wasn't about to complain about being hungry when poor Steven had been on a liquid diet for 2 days.
Photos from our hotel stay:
The Lyon Family
The next morning Steven was feeling better. We got up at 7 to check out of the hotel. Steven had agreed to pick up a fellow soldier from the airport at 930. We drove an hour to Incheon Airport. Steven was never given a flight number or itinerary so when the soldier didn't show up by 1pm he decided to take Avery and I home. It took us 2 hours to get back to Humphreys, we quickly checked the mail room and had 3 packages waiting for us :) Steven went back to the airport to wait for the soldier. Steven then found out that the soldier got in at 930 PM not AM..... so he drove all the way back to Humphreys. At 7pm he left again for the airport. He didn't get home until almost 1am. For those that lost count that is roughly 11 hours of just driving to and from the airport and a lot of gas wasted....

Steven was given the next day off of work for obvious reasons which worked out because I needed the truck that day. It was the first day of the spouse's bowling league. Each Wednesday we play 3 games. I got a 101, 108 and an 89 (I think). I wasn't very good to begin with but Avery wanted to be held the entire last game so it was difficult to bowl haha. A kid tickled her foot while she was sleeping so she was not a happy camper. Avery, Pagi and I rocked our matching team shirts (we were the only team actually wearing team shirts haha). After bowling we went to the water park for this week's Lunch with the Ladies. Avery and I played in the kiddie pool for a bit. We went to the mail room afterwards, Steven's reticules for his G36C came in, then quickly grabbed Starbucks. I took Pagi home but there was a giant hole where her drive way used to be so she had to walk through someone's garden to get to her apartment.
Watching mom bowl
XOXO our awesome bowling team
Thursday and Friday were very mellow. Avery and I took the truck one afternoon to do laundry and grocery shopping. Avery tried rice cereal for the first time. She seemed confused at first but enjoyed eating like a big kid. Avery has also been trying to sit up the past few days, its adorable. She can lift her head, shoulders and arms off the ground but can't get any further, she looks like a turtle stuck on its shell.
She had a tough time keeping the rice cereal in her mouth
Ready for combat
The wicked witch of the west
Saturday was another long day. Steven had his paintball tournament so he was there by 7am to set up. Avery and I showed up at 10 when the tournie was supposed to start but the first shot wasn't fired until noon. There were 9 teams and each team played 8 games. I had intended on staying for the entire tournie but the first round lasted an hour and a half! I wasn't going to keep Avery out in the heat for 7 more rounds, good thing too because they weren't done until 6pm. Steven's team (The Commandos) placed 4th. That night we went to Kendig's house (a woman Steven works with) for a BBQ. Several other soldiers Steven works with where there, it was a lot of fun. Avery has been boycotting naps lately so she was pretty tired at the party. I was able to get her to sleep and put her in Kendig's bed. She slept through the whole thing, loud music and all. It was so nice being able to have some baby free adult time with Steven and everyone else. Lately I've been feeling like Avery's caretaker instead of a person so this was much needed. Avery made me pay for it by getting up 6 times that night :/

Avery & I stick out in this crowd
Keeping my baby cool :)
Steven being awesome
Loving the bean bag at Kendig's
Sunday was extremely uneventful. It was just one of those days where you don't want to do anything but stay inside. I wasn't feeling well and stayed in bed until 11am. I did however come to find out how quiet the fire alarms in this apartment building are. While watching a movie Steven and I hear a faint alarm, I stuck my head out of the door and realized our neighbors were all leaving. Just as we were going to grab Avery (who was already in bed for the night) the alarm went off and people started going back into their homes. Needless to say, in the event of a fire we are probably going to end up extra crispy. It has been a very long week for the Lyon family.
Avery Quinn - 5 months