Sunday, June 24, 2012

One Hectic Week

The week started out mellow with Steven having Monday off. I'm glad we had a day to relax because Tuesday was hectic. I had a 9am appointment at Dankook University Hospital for the second part of my allergy screen. It was the intradermal test so a small amount of allergen is injected into the skin. The doctor used the sensitive part of my inner arm as his pin cushion. The first one didn't hurt and I felt silly for being so nervous about the test. The second stick hurt but I thought maybe he had stuck the needle in an extra sensitive area. The third one was so freaking painful! It was like acid was being injected into me. Within seconds of the third allergen being injected I was extremely nauseous and dizzy. The nurse escorted me to the bathroom. I almost made it but got too dizzy and sat on the floor. My hearing faded and I was just a horrible dizzy nauseous mess. The nurse helped me into a wheel chair and took me to something called the Injection Room which was just a room full of beds so that I could lay down.

After about 10 minutes I started feeling a little better. The doctor came in and checked my injection sites. The first was normal, the second was a slightly irritated but the third was raised, red, and painful. It was obvious that I was allergic to whatever the third injection was. I was told to make an appointment with my TMC on base to get the results of the screen. The doctor tried to explain the results but the language barrier made it difficult for him to explain and me to understand. On the drive home Steven and I made an agreement. If he got me Starbucks I would give him the car on Wednesday :) That night we had an FRG (Family Readiness Group) meeting, it was low key but I got to hang out with Pagi.


Wednesday was somehow even more hectic than Tuesday. The first half of the day started out well. Pagi picked up Avery and I for bowling and I bowled a little better than last week. Afterwards we walked through the Ville to La Pasta for Lunch with the Ladies. On the walk I noticed my truck parked off in a dirt lot. I bet Pagi that Steven would be at Chicago's (a restaurant), I called him and sure enough that's where he was having lunch with a few guys he works with. We hung with them for a bit until it was time for our lunch.  La Pasta was good but Avery was ready for a nap.

Little thief took my roll

Pagi and I decided to leave. Turns out the base was shut down for an exercise so we were locked out. Pagi's Jeep was on base and the taxi drivers were on strike that day so we were screwed. There were about 20 other people camped out at the gate waiting to be let in. We waited in the heat for an hour before a friend spotted us and offered us a ride. Pagi and I hung out at my house until the gates re-opened and we could go get her Jeep. Steven and Avery had daddy daughter time while I went on base.

Friday, I somehow managed to make it to the end of the week. I took Steven to work that day so I could have the truck. I picked up Pagi and we went to AK Plaza (a mall/train station) to buy tickets for Prometheus. Afterwards we went to Osan and had Chilis then went to their BX and tried on a bunch of clothes and shoes. We both feel rushed by our husbands when it comes to browsing so it was refreshing to take our time. That night Steven and Widener went to the movies while I stayed home with Avery.

Feeding herself sweet potatoes

Avery decided to make this already hectic week even tougher by getting up and staying up at 3am several nights in a row. I'm not sure why she thinks 3am is play/talk/high pitched giggle squeal but hopefully it ends soon. She still wakes up every 1-2 hours at night so its pretty difficult to function lately. Steven managed to set up shelves and completely organize his Army/Airsoft room while I managed to accomplish basically nothing in that same amount of time. Needless to say I felt pretty crappy about myself. Hopefully when I start getting more sleep I'll start being more useful. Either way I need a vacation!

The week ended on a sour note unfortunately. Steven had CQ, we left the house at 6am so that he could get a 'good floor'. I would normally be upset about being up that early on a Sunday but we'd been up for quite a while thanks to Avery. I went back on a base a few hours later to do laundry and take Steven dinner, evil demon Avery emerged shortly after that. She that she would spend the next 7 hours screaming/fussing/crying instead of taking her usual naps and going to bed at a reasonable hour. By 11pm I was ready to rip my hair out but I finally managed to get her settled and asleep. I don't know what her problem was (maybe the yogurt she had upset her tummy??) I hope she behaves the rest of the night as I will be getting up bright and early to pick up Steven at 7am. I am one tired momma these days!

Avery Quinn - 24 weeks

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there mama! I *think* that the first time Lorelei tried yogurt it didn't agree with her either, but we kept giving it to her in small amounts and it got better. Seven hours of screaming sounds it might be teething too. Follow your mama instincts, most of the time we're pretty spot on about what's wrong with our babies. I hope she starts sleeping better for you soon. Lorelei had me up from 1:30 to 4:00 this morning and it's pretty common for her to do so. I think it's a mama's girl/breastfeeding thing.
