Let me start off by stating this: no one is dying or seriously ill, Steven and I are not getting divorced, I am not pregnant. For anyone that came to one or more of these ridiculous conclusions please stop reading my blog for a awhile and stop bothering my parents for information. I'm not trying to be rude the barrage of interrogating emails and rumors being spread has used up the last bit of my patience. The only thing you need to know is that my little family is about to go through a big change. We are not ready to share the details of that change until we get more information. We need your support not your questions. That is the end of my little vent.

Our week started off with a 2 hour drive up to Seoul for Avery's appointment at 121. She was born with a little lump on her chest and I felt it was time to get it checked out via ultrasound. The ultrasound tech was amazing! She was very gentle and kind, Avery was fascinated by her. I fed Avery before her appointment so she laid on the table lazily during the procedure and didn't even cry. That night her pediatrician called to say that her ultrasound looked great. She has a cavernous hemangioma (although don't bother using Google Images because hers don't look like any of those) and 50% of them go away by age 5 and 90% go away by age 9.

I think Avery caught a bug at the hospital because the next day she woke up with a stuffy nose, cough, and slight fever. She was not a happy camper! Thankfully after lots of fluids and rest she woke up Wednesday morning acting like herself. She still had the sniffles so I decided not to take her to daycare. We took Steven to work, picked up Pagi and went to bowling. I did much better than expected considering I was lugging around a kid twice the weight of my bowling ball. After bowling I handed over the keys to Steven and he dropped us off at Lunch with the Ladies. I hadn't gone to LWTL in what seemed like forever! Not only was it at one of my favorite restaurants but Avery slept in her stroller until I finished eating. When Steven got home from work he strapped Avery onto his chest and we took a walk.

By Friday Avery was feeling well enough to go to daycare for a few hours. The free time allowed Steven and I to attendant an appointment and go to a company BBQ. The BBQ was pretty dull but it allowed an early start to the weekend.
Apparently Avery wants to be a vegetarian
Avery leaving her mark around Korea
Saturdays are easily my favorite day of the week. Steven usually takes Avery for a bit so I can sleep in and this Saturday was no exception. He heard Avery babbling for "dada" over the baby monitor and got her. I woke up a few hours later to Steven, Avery and Starbucks :) Its the best way to start the weekend.
Hair past her shoulders!
Our normally crappy Sundays turned out well. Steven left bright and early to go play air soft so Avery and I were on lock down. Monsoon season finally decided to make an appearance so the torrential downpour cancelled our morning walk. By the time Steven got home that evening I was suffering from a severe case of cabin fever. Steven suggested we go to dinner and go bowling. Even after weeks of practice in my bowling league I still can't beat my husband. The night ended perfectly with a passionate kiss in the rain.
Avery's first time having mashed potatoes
Steven: 106 Randi: 94
Avery Quinn - 7 months
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