Avery and I went to the play group on base for the first time, it was held at one of the gyms. There were SO many toys, Avery was in heaven. The kids were a bit older than Avery, they were running around all over the place and she crawled after them. Play group was an hour long and by the time it was over Avery was exhausted. After play group I picked up a $100 high chair for $20! Avery took an extra long nap when we got home. I made some fresh salsa and got a birthday card from my parents.

I turned 23 on the 27th. I'm actually starting to feel old, kids definitely age you. Steven took Avery on base for a few hours to do laundry and give me time to relax. I didn't relax - I used the time to sweep, mop and vacuum - the life of a mom. It was really nice to get those chores done without a little one trying to "help". Steven and Avery returned home with a bouquet of flowers and Starbucks for me :) Steven cooked a delicious dinner and cake while Avery and I played. After dinner I got to open my present. It was a beautiful pair of earrings - Steven explained that he had taken Avery to the jewelry kiosk and let her pick out my gift.
On Wednesday I dropped Avery off at daycare so I could run a few errands. She has so much fun there, I love seeing her interact with other babies. When I picked her up she was still playing and happy as a clam. Avery immediately passed out once we were in the car.
Napping at daycare
On the way home I checked the mail room. We got our first Christmas package! Steven and I each got a present, the rest of the box was filled with gifts for Avery. The box was from Nana and Papa, of course, they are such awesome great grandparents. The box also contained an anniversary card, a birthday card for Avery (they had sent mine earlier in the week), a Christmas card and two ornaments - one for our family and one for Avery's first Christmas :D I was so excited to get our first Christmas card of the season, I hung it on our door so I can see my grandparents' smiling faces throughout the holiday. Since we finally had presents we decided to set up the Christmas tree - our little 2 footer. It fits perfectly on our kitchen table :)
As if my grandparent weren't generous enough, the next day we got another package from them! I love getting packages! This box was full of birthday presents for Avery :) Nana wraps presents before mailing them to us so I have no idea what they got for Avery, the anticipation is killing me.
Our tiny tree
Friday morning I went on base to run some errands. The parking lot at the PX, Commissary, CAC, Clothing & Sales, TMC and theater were completely full (as in ZERO spots). I was lucky enough to pull up just as a car was leaving. I put on my blinker but as soon as I started pulling forward someone took the spot! I really wanted to ram them with my truck. I drove around base looking for somewhere to park. I finally found a spot by the housing office and parked as quickly as possible. I'm so glad I dropped Avery off at day care before doing errands because it was a lengthy walk in the freezing cold. I have no clue why the parking lots were so crowded because when I finally got into the PX it was a ghost town. Bright side - I got some exercise :)

That evening we went to the community tree lighting. There was a unit tree decorating contest and one giant community tree. Santa arrived at the tree lighting on a fire truck. Avery was mesmerized by the flashing lights and sirens. The holiday parade was led by Santa and his fire sleigh, Humphreys Girl Scouts, Osan high school cheerleaders and the Humphreys community. The parade went from the tree lighting to the Super Gym for the grand opening of the Humphreys holiday bazaar.
The temperature that night was in the 20s so we had Avery all bundled up. She's a few pounds away from being too big for her baby carrier. I love baby wearing so I've been wearing her around as much as possible before she's too big. Steven and I walked to the Super Gym for the bazaar with my little heating pack strapped to my chest. Avery had a blast squealing and giggling at people. The bazaar was pretty cool and Avery continued making friends with everyone.
Earlier in the week Kendig had offered to watch Avery so that we could go out for my birthday. After the bazaar we dropped Avery off at Kendig's house and went to dinner. It was a nice romantic evening. Overall, it was a great day.
Loving her new high chair
Avery and I went back to the holiday bazaar to see Santa on Sunday afternoon! The moment Avery realized that she was in Santa's lap alone she popped out her bottom lip and made her super adorable yet heartbreaking pouty face. Santa's helper tried to make Avery smile but it didn't work. We should have the photos by Monday so I'll post them in next week's blog.
Avery Quinn
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