Thursday, March 7, 2013

Baby's First Haircut

Avery got her first hair cut on Monday! Steven, my mom and I took her to 2 B A Kid. Avery sat in a pink jeep with a bowl of animal crackers while the woman cut her hair. The woman styled Avery's hair and even sprinkled glitter in it :D At the end of the appointment Avery got a lollipop and I got a First Hair Cut certificate with a lock of hair. It was a great experience.

Eating animal crackers

and a lollipop


Tuesday was not a good day sleep-wise. I continually woke up throughout the night because I thought I was going to be late for something. Avery got up at 4 am and then again at 5 am. I brought her into our bed where she thankfully fell asleep. Just as I was starting to fall back asleep Steven's alarm went off for work, he accidentally woke Avery up while getting ready :/ It was a LONG day.

Friday morning sucked. Avery woke up on the wrong side of the crib, she was grumpy and beyond clingy. I suddenly lost the ability to put on a diaper correctly because Avery peed through 3 diapers and outfits, then puked all over the 4th outfit... Between Steven needing his work clothes washed every other day (or daily depending on how messy he got) and Avery just being a kid, I am doing a LOT of laundry.

Helping daddy push the cart

Taking an animal cracker break :)

That afternoon was much better because we finally got the keys to our apartment! Avery and I met Steven at the apartment complex to fill out some paperwork and get our keys :D I ran around the apartment taking photos. Avery played with the cabinets, drawers and toilet seat - I will definitely need to baby proof before we move in on the 6th because she smashed her fingers. Steven and I put up Avery's curtains and the shower curtain :) I can't wait to decorate!

Since Steven came to the apartment straight from work we had two separate vehicles there. Steven and Avery took the Durango home while I picked up my mom from work in the Neon. Mom and I sat at Starbucks for a bit unwinding from the day, it was a luxury we don't get often. Quinn's girlfriend, Ashley, was at the house when we got home. The two of us made Quinn a beer cake for his 21st birthday (like a diaper cake but with beer cans lol). It was a fun little project that Ashley found on Pinterest. The project included cardboard, ribbons, candles, hot glue and of course beer.

My mom, Avery and I had a girls day on Saturday - the boys were at the golf course hitting a bucket of balls. We went to Kohls and got about $80 worth of clothes for $13! That evening we all went to Fiesta Guadalajara for Quinn's birthday dinner - he turned 21 this week. After dinner Ashley and I went to the store and got ice cream. Quinn didn't suspect a thing when we walked in with the beer cake, he loved it :)

Browsing the menu

Sunday was mellow. I went to the apartment for a bit and unpacked some boxes, it was nice having some alone time. Steven, Quinn, and Ashley went to the golf course again to hit a bucket of balls while I stayed home with the baby and made chili.

Avery Quinn - 13 months

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