Last week's wonderful weather is dead and gone. This week started out with 109 degrees of dry heat, but still it was much better than a Korean summer (aka monsoons and 100% humidity even when it isn't raining).
On Monday I really just wanted to sit in my nice air conditioned house sipping ice water and watching mind-numbing television but I had errands to run. I needed a new driver's license so that I could pick up my gun so when Avery was napping I went to the DMV. The DMV was insanely packed and I waited almost an hour for my number to be called. While I sat and waited I bumped into an old friend that I worked with at Wendy's when I was a teen. He informed me that his wife had passed away recently, it was awful news to hear considering she worked with us as well. The last time I saw them was years ago on their wedding day.
When Steven got off of work we packed up Avery and took her over to Yvette's apartment for a sleep over, it was Avery's first time spending the night with her. Steven and I went to Cabela's after we dropped off Avery, we finally picked up my gun :) Its gorgeous, I can't wait to take it to the range. Steven and I then went to dinner at Chili's - someone was playing a cruel joke on us though. We had no toddler and could finally enjoy a quiet meal but were seated in the kid section or something because we were surrounded by loud, fussy children... We ate as quickly as possible (as usual) and got out of there so we could go get hair cuts. Steven really wanted to grow out his hair and beard for an entire year but decided it was too hot to have long hair - yay for me!! I had the stylist take off 4-5 inches and Steven got a buzz cut. My hair already looks and feels so much better, not to mention it cut several minutes off my getting ready time in the morning. We ended our night with a trip to Winco and Albertson's to pick up food for camping before finally going home. We don't handle our guns while Avery is in the house so, with her being gone all night, it was the perfect time to clean them. It was a very busy day but we got a lot done without Avery in tow.

The next morning I picked up Avery from Yvette's apartment, she said Avery had been well behaved for her. Avery and I went to Albertson's for coffee and donuts before going home. Avery ran around so excited to see all of her toys again, she kept kissing and hugging her baby doll. That afternoon I took Avery to the pool, she LOVES swimming. We swam around the perimeter of the pool until a group of older kids showed up, they were extremely rowdy and almost kicked us a few times so we left. Steven had school that evening so I packed up Avery and took her to my mom's house for dinner - she was so exhausted from the pool that she passed out the moment the car started moving.
Avery and I on our way to the pool
My hair cut
Steven's hair cut and his 7 week beard photo
Avery is getting so big, she'll be a year and a half next Monday. Avery's new thing is saying "press it", "on", and "off". If she sees a button of any type you better believe she's going to tell you that she wants to press it - she loves pressing the elevator buttons at Yvette's apartment and the ice/water machine on my mom's fridge. I hear "on" and "off" several times a day. The moment she wakes up in the morning she points to her fan and tells us to turn it off and when she goes to bed she tells us to turn it on - light switches are another favorite. My baby is growing up way too fast. These days Avery has started referring to herself as 'Avy', when she plays peek-a-boo she will put a blanket over her own head and call out for 'Avy'.
Avery hiding her english muffin from me so I give her mine
On Wednesday I got some wonderful alone time. Steven took Avery to my parents' house so he could do camping stuff with my dad. I made a workout shirt from something I saw on pinterest and afterwards went to my workout class. Last week our trainer asked who would be attending class on the 3rd of July and every single person said they would be there. I didn't feel like going but went anyway because I said I would be there, I was very surprised to see the trainer sitting on a bench looking bored when I got there. Apparently the rest of the class went back on their word and didn't show up, I was the only one. The trainer had me all to herself which was unfortunate for me, an hour later I could barely move. I went home, showered, and tried to pack through the pain.
My attempt at a workout shirt, rough but very breathable
Wow I realized that this is going to be REALLY long if I actually include the second half of the week so I'm going to break it up into two separate posts.
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