I feel like I've been running around all week! On Monday, Avery and I made a trip to Walmart, no matter what time of day it is that place is always a mad house. After work Steven went to help his mom move a couch, while he was gone Avery and I walked to my gym and back home since I couldn't actually work out. Steven called a bit later and told us to meet him at Red Robin for dinner - his mother and grandparents were there too. Avery was not in a sitting mood so Steven, Yvette, and I took turns being outside with her. After dinner the six of us fed the ducks and took a walk. My pedometer said I only walked a mile and half that day, but I swear it was more.
She fell and skinned her knee (six days later I'm still kissing that boo-boo)
Avery and I visited my mom at work on Tuesday. It was nice seeing some old co-workers and thankfully Avery was well-behaved while we were there. When Steven got off work I went out ALONE (a rare treat indeed) to get coffee and gas. It was a small amount of alone time but much needed. When I got home I made dinner, we didn't really have anything so I made mac-n-cheese and put some bacon in it. After dinner Steven went to school and Yvette came over for a bit to see Avery, just as Yvette was getting ready to leave a random summer storm hit and there was a torrential downpour. Since Avery was distracted by Yvette I got a chance to play around on my computer. I FINALLY figured out how to follow some one's blog! I've been trying to figure it out for a while and now that I know how to do it I feel silly that it took me so long. For anyone else in my shoes: On the blogger home page there is an ADD button under Reading Lists, you just enter the URL of the blog you want to follow; or 'Follow by Email'.

9 weeks
Avery burying Steven in stuffed animals
On Wednesday I woke up with a terrible back ache and a head ache :/ Avery and I went to the store for coffee and donuts as a pick me up. When I got to Alberstons I started walking to the back where the donuts are, the Starbucks lady asked if I was getting coffee today and I told her yes after I grab a few things. When I got back to the front of the store to order my coffee the barista was already putting the lid on my drink :) I really love that they know my drink order, the barista even gave me extra caramel. I was feeling crappy but that little gesture made me feel special which every mom needs once in a while. That evening we went to my parents' house for dinner. We originally went out there to look at the house Steven wanted to rent but he came to his senses and decided it was a bad idea. When we got home I was still feeling miserable so I took a long hot bath after Avery went to bed.
Steven's response to me complaining all day
Thursday was busy busy busy. I had several errands to run and thankfully as I was getting ready to leave Avery told me she wanted a nap. I put her down for a nap and got to run my errands alone (Steven was home with Avery obviously). My first stop was Walgreens which happens to be in the same parking lot as my second stop, Whole Foods - since I didn't have Avery I parked in the very back so I would have to walk much further. I went to Starbucks after that and got a pleasant surprise - the woman in front of me bought my drink!! Thank you lady in the red BMW :) Next I went to grab lunch, but Steven and I wanted different things so I had to stop at two different places lol. When I got home I realized I forgot to get the two things I really needed, Avery woke up a few minutes after I got home so the two of us went to Albertsons to get the items. Steven had school that night (which is over soon thankfully) so after I put Avery to bed I pulled out two big bins full of old baby clothes to go through. I was looking for a bathing suit for my friend's little girl but didn't find it. Looking through all those clothes was a huge mistake! At first I was happily traveling down memory lane but then I just felt sick realizing how quickly Avery has grown up - by the time I got to the very bottom of the second bin I found the outfit that I brought Avery home from the hospital in, I was bawling.

A blanket that my friend Karina gave me in Korea
Steven's company gave this to us after Avery was born
Friday was even more busy! Avery had her 18 month appointment that afternoon which clashed with her usual nap time. I took Avery to the park in an attempt to wear her out enough to take an early nap. It worked, she went down for an early nap and woke up literally 10 minutes before we needed to leave.
Avery's pediatrician is all the way out in Eagle so we had to leave the house 45 minutes before we needed to be there. We got to the office right on time but ended up waiting around because another child had an emergency. Avery is now 22 lbs and 32 inches long. She managed to gain 1 pound back of all the weight she lost since switching to soy. We are going to slowly re-introduce whole milk into Avery's diet and hope that she doesn't have the same digestive problems that she did before. The pediatrician said a lot of toddlers grow out of their allergies in a few months to a few years so fingers crossed. Avery's appointment took longer than it should have because she made the doctor exam her Spongebob doll first. Thankfully Avery didn't have to get any shots - she needed a shot but the doctor said it couldn't be administer. They need the shot to be exactly 6 months apart and Avery was a week shy of that 6 month point, she will get it at her 2 year appointment instead.
She stole my muffin
Waiting for the doctor
After the appointment I was eager to get home. Avery was in a bad mood because of the doctor looking in her ears and feeling her belly. Getting home took FOREVER because we had to use Eagle Road. When we finally did get home we were only there for 10 minutes before my mom came over to pick us up. We went to Costco to get a car seat that we had seen on sale. We only got the car seat but since its Costco it took us a while to check out. I put the car seat together when we got home, adjusted the straps, and all that good stuff. When it came time to install the car seat I realized that the car couldn't accommodate it rear facing. I reclined the seat back as far as it could go but the seats were so slanted that the car seat was still leaning too far forward. The manual said I could roll up a blanket and stick it under the base for cars with really slanted seats but it made the car seat really wobbly and loose. I was beyond frustrated at that point and gave up.
We were already late dropping Avery off at Yvette's house so once I got back upstairs we left. After we dropped Avery off we went to the Cheesecake Factory for our date night. We split a BBQ Chicken pizza (which is amazing BTW) and we each got a slice of cheese cake. I'm pretty sure the cheese cake packed on ten pounds at least so after dinner we walked around the mall to work it off.
Avery's fort
Steven and I picked up Avery bright and early the next morning. Avery and Yvette had gone to the farmer's market and played in the fountain - Avery's clothes were soaked so she rode home in just a diaper. Avery seemed like she was ready for a nap when we got home but instead she just quietly played in her crib for an hour.
Avery and I went to Laura's baby shower (Laura is a girl that I used to work with at Wendy's when we were teens), and of course Avery passed out in the car just as we pulled up to Laura's house! I sat in the car with her for 5 minutes so she could cat nap. The baby shower was a lot of fun, we played several games I haven't played before :) I won one of the games that we played, it was Baby Shower Gift Bingo (basically you make a bingo card with gifts you think the mom will get and play bingo with it as she opens her presents). Avery started happily screaming while Laura was opening her gifts because the other guests were happy. One of the guests offered to take the kids outside to play while Laura opened gifts which was helpful because I had offered to keep track of which guest gave what gift. Since it was hot out I decided to bring Avery back inside while Laura was still opening gifts and saw that she was sunburned, I guess the woman didn't notice the kids getting burned :( We left shortly after, I dropped Avery off at home with Steven so I could go buy Aloe Vera. Apparently everyone in Boise is sunburned because Albertson's was completely out (even though they keep it in 3 different sections) and I managed to get the very last bottle at Rite Aid! After I made dinner and bathed Avery I lathered her in Aloe Vera, by the next day the sunburn had turned into a tan - she definitely doesn't get that from me.

With Laura at her baby shower
Sunday was a blast! We decided to mix things up for Sunday family dinner so we went to the zoo! The Idaho National Guard was putting on a military family day at the Boise zoo. It started at 530 pm and had free food so dinner was taken care of - we had hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, lemonade, and ice cream!
Upon entrance to the zoo we were each given a stamp card, you go to each booth listed on your card, get a stamp, then turn in the card to be entered into a raffle. After we ate we started going around to the booths and realizing that each booth gave out a ton of swag. We got a comforter, fleece blanket and a bear with a zipper on his back that the blanket goes into, make up, canvas grocery bags, a gel mouse pad, a baby clothes gift set, and other cool stuff. While we were there I got Avery finger printed and she did surprisingly well, she was even helping the guy do it :D Avery also got to ride the carousel, she had to be accompanied by an adult so Steven was quite dizzy afterwards lol. It was an awesome way to end the week!
Eating dinner
Getting finger printed
Avery Quinn - 18 months
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