The weather has been so wonderful lately! Idaho didn't get much rain this spring but we are having plenty of summer storms to make up for it. I love the rain and the cool temperature but it does put a damper on Avery playing outside. On Tuesday we went over to Kristen's house for a much needed play date. Avery covered herself in peanut butter and jelly within minutes of our arrival, thankfully I had a spare onesie in the car. The kids played for a few hours before Avery and I went home, we wanted to spend some time with Steven before he went to school. It was raining pretty hard when we got home, Avery kept asking if we could go on a walk. After dinner I took her out to the basketball court so she could play in the rain and stomp in puddles, it was a lot of fun. Steven didn't want to get soaking wet right before class so he sat on the patio taking pictures. Even after a play date and puddle stomping Avery refused to go to sleep, she hung out in her room for an hour and a half talking to herself. She's developed a habit of waiting up for Steven so that he can put her to bed.

The next morning was magical! Since Avery had stayed up until 10:30 pm she slept in until 10:30 am which meant I also got to sleep in that late. When the princess finally decided to grace us with her presence we went to Albertsons. I've been slacking on coupons lately but managed to save 26% on my purchase. That afternoon Steven sold his Go-Pro which he only ever used twice (guess who told him that would happen lol). We got $150 for it though which we put towards paying off our car.

My dad and grandma flew into Boise on Thursday :) My mom and I had lunch together before they arrived, I picked her up from work and we went to Taco bell - Avery got free cinnamon twists. My dad and grandma had to take different flights so when my dad's flight got in we picked him up from the airport and brought him back to my apartment, Avery was so happy to see her pappy. We live about 2 minutes from the airport so my parents hung out at my place until my grandma's flight got in. I was really excited to see her - she had never met Steven or Avery. My mom, dad, Steven, Avery, and I all went to the airport to get Grammy. Avery wasn't too sure about Grammy at first but Grammy gave her a bag of scoobie snacks and that quickly changed. We all went to my parents house for dinner, Ashley had made lasagna. Avery played in the sprinklers while we all sat out on the porch.

Friday was pretty nice. Steven took an actual lunch break for the first time since starting this job, he ran errands during it but it was a nice change. Avery refused to nap that day but instead fell asleep on the couch. I scooped her up and cradled her while she slept, I like to pretend she's still an itty bitty baby. After work we went to Walmart for a few camping items - it was a disaster because a certain toddler didn't get a full nap that day. I dropped Steven and Avery off at home so I could pick up our favorite soup from Chili's.
Saturday was incredibly fun! Steven got up early to get fireworks from Caldwell with my dad. When he got home I put Avery down for a nap and went to the dollar store. I originally went just for dish soap but left with 15 items lol, I love the dollar store! When Avery got up from her nap she had a nasty surprise for us - Poop, so much poop. It was on her sheet, blanket and all over herself. I bathed the poop princess before we went over to my parents' house.
My parents' neighborhood was having a big community 4th of July BBQ on Saturday, it was so much fun. All the neighbors brought food, drinks, and chairs over to a single house for the party. The little kids played on the slip-and-slides, the men fired a giant water balloon sling shot at the older kids, and the women socialized.
Yvette had flown back into Boise that afternoon and stopped by to see us. She brought Avery a cabbage patch doll and a stroller for the doll, Avery was so excited! Avery pushed her baby doll around the BBQ, feeding her and giving her kisses.
When it finally started to get dark we started the firework show, Quinn and Steven were in charge of it. Avery really liked the fireworks but a mortar exploded way too low and close to us so my mom took her inside. There were no other firework mishaps so I brought Avery back outside to watch but as soon as I did some of the neighbors stupidly had a roman candle fight, for her protection I took Avery back inside. All in all it was a very enjoyable day.
On Sunday, Steven got up early to go help his mom find some furniture, when he got home he told me that his mom bought us a Costco membership! We went to Costco later that afternoon so I could take my membership photo. I don't know what's up with their camera, but Steven looked like he had a huge beard and I looked like I had a gap in my teeth lol. We went to Steven's grandparents' house for dinner that evening. Yvette bought Avery a kiddie pool and beach ball, the water was ice cold which was wonderfully refreshing.
This week I'd like to thank my fans for continuing to read my mediocre blog. I've had 5 people express how much they enjoy reading my blog this week, its so nice to have the occasional ego boost.
Avery Quinn - 17 Months
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