By Monday Steven was feeling surprisingly well, thankfully his antibiotics were doing their job. Avery had stayed the night with Yvette the night before so Yvette dropped her off at 9 am. I tried to watch The Land Before Time with Avery but didn't make it more than 10 minutes. I remember it being a great movie when I was a kid but now its just awful - they're leaves Little Foot, not friggen 'tree stars'! Avery and I ended up going back to Yvette's house that afternoon for a few items that were left at her house. Since we were already out and about we decided to go to Albertson's to get flowers for my mom, Avery chose a mini rose plant and a card :) I wanted the flowers and card to be an anonymous gift so I left them with the security guard in the lobby of my mom's building and asked him not to call her until I had left. Well a few minutes later I got a phone call from my mom thanking me for the flowers, she recognized my hand writing in the card haha. Quinn ended up bringing my mom a Starbucks after work so it was a good day to be my mom, she deserves to be spoiled :)

Tuesday was a little tough on mommy. Avery had gotten up at 1 am the night before and was really clingy, it took me quite a while to get her back to bed. She was in a foul mood all day, the upstairs neighbors did not help. All summer long the upstairs neighbors have been quiet (I'm assuming because the kids have been gone all summer), well they returned on Tuesday. It sounded like an entire mob of people were all upstairs just jumping up and down over Avery's room while I was trying to put her down for a nap :/ Already cranky Avery + no nap = really bad time for mom. Yvette came over after work for a visit. I was able to get out of the house and take a walk while Yvette was entertaining Avery.
13 weeks
Avery doing chores
Wednesday was much more enjoyable. I managed to go to Starbucks while Avery was napping and drink my frappuchino on our balcony. After a bit of relaxation I cleaned, vacuumed, did the dishes, and two loads of laundry. My mom came over after work to hang out for a little bit before she had to back for a dinner thing. We went to Starbucks and walked around Albertson's to wear Avery out. It was a pretty good day.
Avery finally managed to sleep through the night this week, she's been oddly getting up at 1 am the last few nights. A full night's sleep put me in good mood on Friday. Avery and I ventured to Walmart for baby wipes that afternoon. I drooled over all the cute toddler clothes but had enough restraint to walk out of the store with just the wipes I had originally come for. That evening was even better because I got to go grocery shopping ALONE!!! It was amazing. I walked down every aisle, compared prices, and used coupons. When I got home I put away the groceries, made dinner, and bathed Avery before Steven put her bed.

Kristen's son Conner recently turned 3 years old! Its so strange! I still remember being at the movie theater when Kristen texted me that she was pregnant, hanging out for HOURS after her baby shower had ended just chatting (that was the day she told me that Steven had a huge crush on me, that conversation directly influenced me writing to Steven while he was in basic training). It feels like just yesterday I was visiting Kristen in the hospital and welcoming newborn Conner into the world and pretty much hanging out with her every chance we got from that moment forward. Its insane to think that he is already 3! Avery and I attended Conner's birthday party on Saturday :) The vast majority of guests left before we even did the cake so Conner and Avery got to eat straight frosting off the cake. We stayed until 8 pm, it was just me, Kristen, Jeca, and the kids. I couldn't have asked for a better night.
Eating some pre-party nuggets
Avery and Aunt Kristen
Conner tasting the cake :)
This week we mixed up the usual Sunday dinner and went to the fair with my parents! We saw a ton of animals - Avery mooed at the cows and oinked at the pigs. There was an incubator full of newly hatched chicks that Avery was obsessed with, she continually kissed and hugged the glass haha. At the petting zoo Avery fed the goats and kissed a sheep on the nose - she even rode a pony! We were only there for 3 hours but managed to walk nearly 4 miles. After the fair we all went to Starbucks then grocery shopping. Avery had passed out in the car so I sat with her while Steven and my parents shopped. Avery was so exhausted that we could barely wake her up when we went to my parents' house for dinner. We left my parents' house at 630 pm but decided to go to Steven's dad's house for a while to make sure Avery didn't go to bed too early. Oddly enough Avery had a really hard time falling asleep that night. I think she's been trying to climb out of her crib because she got her foot stuck between the bars twice that night. She ended up waking several times that night :(

Avery feeding the mini pig
and the goats
riding ponies
the chicks she loved so much
Avery Quinn - 19 months
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