Saturday, August 3, 2013

A randomly late post

This post is ridiculously late. I've had no motivation for anything lately, its just been one of those weeks.

Monday started out great! Steven Skyped our friend Aggie, he was a really good friend to us while we were in Korea and is currently deployed. (enter photo of us at thanksgiving or something) The Skype session made me really miss the "good old days" when I was still pregnant with Avery and almost every Saturday we would all go to Osan's PX and Chili's. Aggie is a great guy, I'm hoping Steven will go visit him when he returns from deployment.

Steven, Aggie, and I - Thanksgiving 2011

My mom came over after she got off work that day. I installed the new car seat in her car and thankfully it didn't give me much trouble this time around. Yvette came over a few hours later to see Avery. Avery was so happy that she got to see both of her grandmas in one day. Yvette, Avery, and I went swimming, we got to try out Avery's floaty bathing suit thing. It doesn't completely keep her afloat but it works pretty well.

Avery was acting really grown up on Tuesday, I'm not sure how I feel about that. Since Steven was at school that night we decided to eat dinner on the living room floor. When Avery spilled a bit of food on the ground she immediately got up, went into the kitchen, grabbed a clean dish towel from the drawer, and cleaned up her mess. After the mess was clean she put the dish towel back into the drawer because earlier that day I was making a big deal about putting things away when we're done with them - I pulled it out and put it in the washer when she wasn't looking.

3 months old

18 months old

By 6:30 pm Avery was ready for bed, I had to drag out her bed time routine for an hour and a half. To kill time we ready every book Avery owns, kissed all of her stuffed animals, practiced alphabet flash cards, and when I realized that wouldn't be enough, we ran laps around the house - even after all that Avery still passed out before 8 pm.

On Wednesday I was feeling oddly energetic. Avery and I started out the day with a 2 mile walk! It was nearly 100 degrees out but very overcast which made the walk tolerable. I decided to skip my workout class that evening because 1. I was worn out from the walk lol and 2. Steven took Avery with him to take his mom to the airport. I couldn't pass up an empty house so I used my alone time to clean :) Avery ended up smashing cereal into the carpet 5 seconds after walking into the door, but thankfully Steven vacuumed it up for me.

On our walk

I attempted another long walk on Thursday morning but it was too hot. It wasn't overcast like the previous day and I worried that Avery would get sunburned. We called it quits after only a mile and instead went to the store. While at Albertson's seven different people told me how cute Avery was. Avery was smiling, waving, and blowing kisses at everyone - I'm going to have my hands full with this one.

Steven had his last night of class that evening. His instructor said that the class would only be a half day and he said that showing up to class would be well worth it to the students. Well Steven didn't get a half day at all, he was there the normal 2 hours and 45 minutes...also the 'well worth it' was making a little fort out of dried spaghetti and marsh mellows - Steven is very glad to be done with that class.

Week 10

On Friday I had to return one of Steven's school books to the Nampa campus. After returning the book I took Avery over to my parents' house because she was having a sleep over with Mimi :D The Avery/Mimi sleep over worked out pretty well because Steven had a final to take online that evening. It was actually a really fun way to spend the evening, we ordered a pizza and did research for his essay questions, it was a good 'team building' exercise. Our team work paid off because he finished his final with plenty of time to spare, we used that extra time to go see a movie at the dollar theater.

Steven and I were supposed to meet Quinn and Ashley at the Boise Music Festival on Saturday morning but we both woke up feeling awful. We decided to skip the BMF and called Quinn to let him know before we went back to sleep. The day before Steven and I had eaten so terribly! We haven't gone shopping in over 2 weeks so we've been surviving off the crappy stuff in the cabinet that no one really wants to eat lol.

We went to my parents' house that afternoon when we felt a little better. Avery helped my mom pick green beans from her garden, we then sauteed them in onions and garlic (also from the garden), and had them as a pre-dinner snack. My dad made amazing enchiladas for dinner and I ate way too much! I took Taz for a long walk to work it off :) That evening Steven and I stayed up late - he played video games and I worked on a project for a friend.

Sunday was amazing, Steven let me sleep in until 11 am! He took Avery to his dad's house in the morning and after that they went to GameStop to pre-order the PS4 - he is finally making the transition. When I got up we switched places, Steven took a nap while I entertained Avery :)

That afternoon Kristen asked if I would watch the boys on Monday while she went to see the doctor. I can't wait for Monday, I'm so excited to get the boys and Avery needs a play date. Speaking of Avery, this week she got 2 new molars! She now has two on the bottom and one on the top! Also, she's been saying "bless you" to anyone that sneezes, its the cutest thing.

Avery Quinn - 18 months

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