I recently tackled the boring job of rolling all my coins and taking them to the bank - I made $37 which is pretty fantastic. It doesn't seem like a ton but I like to break it down to make it seem bigger: 7 Starbucks Frappuchinos, or the gas bill for a month, or 3 packs of diapers, etc.
Finally adding a new beard pic - day 160
After I deposited the coin rolls at the bank, Kristen and the boys came over. We took them to the enclosed park by my house so they could run around freely. It sounded like a good idea at the time but both older kids were being cranky butts - they took turns having tantrums and giving attitude. Oh motherhood...

On Tuesday I met Kristen and the boys at the Farmstead (where Steven and I went last weekend). We were part of a play group meeting them so admission was only $4 for Avery and free for me :) The fun started immediately when I noticed a toddler run off, I asked the other moms if that was their kid but no one responded so I assumed he was with another group (there were several other play groups, pre-schools, and families there). A few minutes later a mom starts freaking out looking for her son, I asked her what he was wearing and told her that he was the child I saw run off. I could see her frantically running around so I went to help her, I ended up finding him playing quietly with corn kernels. After I found the boy, Kristen and I took the kids to a small play-town, it was cute. We took the kids to the petting zoo area - Avery got pecked at by some stupid chickens :/ Kristen ended up finding a digital camera by the petting zoo that someone had lost. I looked through a few of the photos and managed to find the kid on the jumping pillow (basically just the bottom part of a bouncy house that the kids jump on). I stood there watching this kid for 15 minutes waiting for him to finally get off the jumping pillow and go to his mother, when he did I returned the camera. Before leaving we took a hay ride to the pumpkin patch, the kids each got to pick a small pumpkin to take home :D The man doing our hay ride let the kids and parents get on his tractor and take pictures, he was extremely nice! The kids were exhausted after a day of adventure.

ThursDAY wasn't that eventful but the evening was! I went rock climbing with a group of moms. Every now and then a playgroup that I'm apart of does a 'mom's night out' and I finally went to one. We went to Asana Climbing Gym, it was interesting because I've never been before. We tried several different walls, made challenges for each other, tried tight rope walking, and playing on various gym equipment like kids haha. Afterwards we all went to dinner together :)
Random photo - 1 hour of cleaning = over 2 miles!!
Friday was a very big day for me. I had a job interview! My first interview in 6 years haha. My mom was going to watch Avery during my interview so she picked us up and dropped me off. I thought I was interviewing at Nakedology (a skin care/cosmetics place) but it turns out they share the building with a small call center. I've applied for so many jobs in the past few weeks that I had no clue what company had called me for the interview haha. I thought the interview went well, the manager said he would call me on Tuesday to let me know if I got the job or not. Mom picked me up and bought me coffee and lunch :) We hung out at her house until Steven off work, he picked us up for his grandma's birthday party that evening. The party was at Mike's house, Yvette made delicious tostadas!!
Cake at great-grandma's party
I slept in really late on Saturday morning while Steven and Avery ran errands, it was wonderful. Yvette had to go back to San Diego which sucks because she'll miss Halloween. That evening Kristen and I had a girls night, a real one with no kids! We got coffee and walked around the Village in Meridian. There were a lot of great restaurants there that I would love to try, an awesome fountain that changes colors and moves to music, a new movie theater that doubles as a restaurant, and even a play ground in the center of the entire thing. Kristen and I are both strapped for cash so we just walked laps around the Village and talked - it was a much needed night out.
Kristen and I at the Village
Sunday was family dinner as usual. Steven gave my dad and brother some deer jerky, which they were pretty much fighting over immediately haha in their defense it is delicious! I ended up shaving both Steven and my dad's heads that evening.
Avery Quinn - 21 months
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