Well, I'm behind on my blog updates again, that didn't take long. Work has sucked every bit of energy out of me. I didn't work on Monday but day care wouldn't reimburse me for that day since I pre-paid for the week. I decided to drop Avery off at day care anyways since I wasn't getting my money back, but I did change her schedule to 'flexible' which means I can add or drop days as needed and not be charged extra.
I used the free time to run errands. My first stop was Avery's pediatrician to drop off day care paperwork. I hate that her doctor is SO far away, its always a 30 minute drive minimum. After the pediatrician I went to my friend Laura's house to pick up my maternity clothes that I let her borrow. I brought her a gift and got to hold her cute son, I don't remember Avery ever being so small even though she was much smaller at that age.
I had to work on Tuesday which SUCKED. Avery had a really hard time going to day care, when we pulled into the parking lot she started crying and telling me "No day care! Home, Mommy!". It broke my heart and I spent an hour before work crying because of it. As if that wasn't bad enough, Dale didn't have his usual truck so work was even harder - my seat was 3 inches higher so I had to literally jump into it.
I couldn't stand to take Avery to day care again so on Wednesday I had Steven do it, we had to pick up our other car anyways so it worked out. After dropping Avery off at day care Steven took the Neon home, I had been letting my mom borrow since their car was in the shop. I only worked 3 hours that day but could barely drive home afterwards - SHIN SPLINTS.
Thursday was nothing but mind-numbingly long hours at work.
but trying to keep a smile on my face
I had a ridiculously long day at work on Friday but the thought of amazing food got me through it. Avery was spending the night at my mom's that evening so that Steven and I could go out with his parents. I stopped at my mom's house after work to see Avery before going home to shower and primp. Yvette took the three of us out to Chandler's to thank us for moving her apartment while she was gone. I had the filet minon with smashed red potatoes YUM!! We were at the restaurant until after 10 pm which is probably the latest I've stayed out in a very long time.

We had breakfast with my parents on Saturday morning, they took us to the Egg Factory for the first time. The food was pretty good but we waited almost 2 hours just to eat. That evening I got some alone time, Steven took Avery to his grandparents' house for dinner. Kristen came over after she got off work and we had a girls night. Steven had planned to go watch the game but his plans fell through, instead he put the baby to bed and spoiled us - he went out to rent us a movie and got us milkshakes :) The three of us watched Monsters University while Kris and I did a mini foot spa.
Flipping creamer at the restaurant
On Sunday morning we went to Mike and Yvette's house for breakfast. Yvette let Avery play with a box full of beanie babies - she was so happy!
Making pancakes
We went to my parents' house for dinner that evening. Steven set up a tubing trip for the entire family, I'm really excited. Its scheduled on our 3 year anniversary so it will be a lot of fun! My uncle and his family (Uncle Mike, my mom's younger brother) are coming up to Idaho for Christmas :D My parents, Quinn and Ashley, Steven and I, Uncle Mike and his family, and the Prochaskas (I think) will all be attending! Yvette will be watching Avery that day because its a nearly 2 hour drive each way and she wouldn't last in the cold.
Avery Quinn - 22 months
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