I took Avery to the pediatrician on Monday for the strange diaper
rash that has plagued her since early December. It was her second
appointment for the rash – we've been treating her for typical
diaper rash, a yeast infection, eczema, etc but the rash wasn't
responding to any treatment so far. My mom met me at the
pediatrician's office since she had the day off of work. We were stuck
waiting for the doctor for nearly an hour but Avery did very well
behaving herself during that time. The doctor isn't sure what Avery's
mystery rash is, she suspects it was a yeast infection that got a
secondary infection when Avery started scratching. We were prescribed
an all-in-one type of antibiotic cream and left the office with
hopeful optimism. My mom and I treated Avery to some ice cream after
her appointment for her great behavior.

By Wednesday Avery's rash was completely gone! I was so happy that
she finally got some relief. Avery went to day care that day so that
I could clean my parents' house, my mom ended up coming home early
because she was feeling well. Quinn, Ashley, and Steven all came over
after work so we were able to have an actual family dinner :)
Avery coloring our boxes
The next day Avery was being a nightmare, I was counting down the
minutes until nap time. I rejoiced when it was finally nap time but
naturally the maintenance guy showed right as I was putting Avery into
bed. He started working in the bathroom on something (we weren't told
what he was there to fix) and he was the noisiest person alive, I
swear he was in the bathroom just throwing tools into the air to hear
them bang on the floor. Needless to say, Avery didn't nap...which
meant no down time for me...which meant everyone was unhappy.
Steven had to work on Saturday as part of his new tax-season
shift. I took Avery to my mom's house to hang out for a bit before
girls' night at Kristen's. Girls' night was a lot of fun but I really
don't enjoy having the responsibility of parenting while I'm trying
to have adult time, this was the first girls' night I've ever brought
Avery to – she was behaving but tired and therefore overly clingy.
By the time we got home Steven was already gone, it was his dad's
birthday so he and his sister took his dad out for dinner and a
movie. It was nice having some alone time after I put Avery to bed.

We decided to change up family dinner this week and went to the
McCall winter carnival :) We woke up early and went to my parents'
house because we had already packed all of our winter stuff. My mom
and dad took Avery in their car so that we could take Quinn and
Ashley with us. The winter carnival involved a lot more walking than
anticipated because all the ice sculptures were spread out about the
town. I didn't feel comfortable having Avery walk around on the icy
sidewalk so we went between carrying her, holding hands, and baby
wearing. Avery seemed to have a good time playing in the snow, and it
was nice doing something different for a change.
Enjoying McCall
Avery Quinn - 2 years
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