Sunday, August 3, 2014

June pt 2

The second half of June's update, I'll start this update with a little humor.

Steven doesn't seem keen on more babies

We took Avery to Dairy Days this year, I've lived in Meridian since 2005 and have never once made it to Dairy Days haha. We went with my parents and had a pretty good time, there were little rides, jumpy houses, good food, and live entertainment.

The day I've been waiting for since the day Avery was born has finally come - she is potty trained!! Avery still wears diapers at night, at day care, and when we go out of the house but she is very good about letting me know when she has to use the restroom. She was doing so well that I made her a potty board and gave her a sticker whenever she had a good day - when she gets 10 stickers we're going to do something fun.

I had a much needed girls' night this month! Avery had a good time playing with the other kids and I enjoyed hanging out with my friends.

From left to right: Jace, Avery, Conner, Evelyn, and Cassius
(Christy, me, Kristen, Jeca, and Kristen)

My parents had gone camping this month and left the pug with us, she is not exactly a camping dog. Avery was very excited to pug-sit for the weekend.

On Sunday, Yvette took Avery to the zoo while my mom came over to the house and got the pug.

Avery at the butterfly enclosure

Not long later my mom sent a text saying that she broke her toe and was on her way to the emergency room. Mom accidentally kicked the ottoman trying to avoid the dog...oh boy.

Mom's broken toe :/

Avery Quinn

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