Another week of firsts for little Avery. On Monday we drove to Yongsan and made great time (1 hr 15 min). Steven had reserved us a room at the Dragon Hill Lodge (Avery's first stay in a hotel), after check in we went to the PX. It was weird being back there considering I went into labor at Yongsan's PX. Back at the hotel room Steven and Avery took a nap in bed while I Facebooked and enjoyed Starbucks :) After their nap and dinner we headed down to the pool. Avery went swimming for the first time! The water was a little cold so she didn't stay in very long, she seemed to enjoy it though. Steven and I took turns holding Avery so that the other could soak in the hot tub.
Swimsuit model
The 3 of us got up bright and early the next morning. Steven and Avery went and got me breakfast and coffee while I got ready :) We checked out and headed to 121 for Steven's appointment. While he was with the doctor I pushed the stroller around the hospital so that Avery could nap. Avery was born at 121 so it was strange wandering the halls again. Our drive back to Humphreys was long and boring. Avery and I dropped Steven off at home and went on base to check the mail room, we got two packages! It was a good day but that night I had a bad reaction to antibiotics :( Within minutes of taking the first pill my tongue and throat got tingly and breathing became difficult. I sat up for two hours regretting the fact that I waited to take the first pill until bedtime.
Not happy about the 2 hour drive
Why must you taunt me Korea?
Our home
Wednesday I was feeling pretty miserable. The TMC gave me new antibiotics. I had the same bad reaction to these new pills :( I decided to skip this week's Lunch with the Ladies because of it. I was pretty bummed about being stuck in the house until Avery completely made my day. My baby girl rolled over for the first time!! She went from her back to her belly while laying in her playgym. I don't think Avery fully understood what she did because she started crying almost instantly lol.
Love her expression when she touches something cold
On Thursday Avery got her first car/walker. We bought it off the flea market page on Facebook. The page is awesome! It is a place where you can buy and sell things from other families in Korea. We bought Avery's crib, bassinet, swing and several other items off that page all for cheap :) We picked up the walker from a family at Osan AB and had dinner at Chili's.

The TMC had given me yet another type of antibiotic to try and a set of EpiPens since the reactions have all caused breathing problems. I had to take this pill with food so I took it on the drive home from Chilis. This one made my upper lip tingly and made it slightly difficult to breath. My doctor and I are both frustrated by the fact that since Avery's birth I am suddenly allergic to everything. I've been reading up on it and apparently developing allergies/intolerances after pregnancy isn't that uncommon. Rather than play the guessing game my doctor has asked me to wait a week while the lab pinpoints what is making me sick so we can narrow down the needed antibiotic and has written a referral for me to go get an allergy screen done at Dankook University Hospital. I'm nervous about having anything done at a Korean hospital but I have no choice since 121 doesn't have an Allergist.

On a brighter note, we have a new addition to our family (no I'm not pregnant ;D). We adopted a kitty cat from a fellow military family. We named him Sterling.
Avery Quinn - 19 weeks
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