I did a lot of driving this week (well a lot of driving for someone who hasn't had her own car in over a year lol). Wednesday Steven was gracious enough to give me the truck all day! I fully understand what a pain in the butt it is to be car-less so I am eager to give rides to those without a vehicle. I dropped Steven off at work then picked up Pagi, we ran a few errands while waiting for the USO bus to get to Humphreys. Earlier in the week I had offered to pick up a woman and her son who were taking the bus from Yongsan (2 hours away where I delivered Avery) to Humphreys just to have Lunch with the Ladies! We picked them up, had lunch at La Pasta, then got them safely back on the bus. It was a great day :D
The next day Avery and I stayed home all day. Avery was exploding from both ends. She pooped on me, threw up in my hair and then peed in her play gym lol. She went through 6 onesies! I'm glad we stayed home, dealing with that in public would not have been fun.
Avery & I caught napping
On Friday I ended up having the truck all day again. I dropped Steven off at work, got Starbucks then went back to the hanger (he wanted Smart water - its actually really tasty). Steven's co-workers admired Avery for a bit before we took off. Avery and I took our clothes to the laundrette on base. I forgot to put detergent in the washer and ended up spilling it all over the floor instead haha. The Tangos (Steven is a 15T - T for Tango) all went to lunch together, Avery and I got to hang out with everybody. After eating Steven bought a Kinect for the Xbox and a new game. Pagi and I hung out at the PX for a bit until all the Tangos came back to the food court for ice cream (it was some kind of team bonding day). It was awesome. Steven was released after that so we went home.

While messing around on FB I saw an announcement that AAFES (Army and Air Force Exchange Service) was increasing the price of gas by 23 cents!! $4.10/gal is horrible but $4.33/gal is just outrageous! The increase was due to take effect the next day so I went and filled up the truck. There is only 1 gas station on base so it was a mad house. I left Avery with Steven. I came home to find Steven feeding Avery with a bottle. She actively refuses to take a bottle let alone formula so this was a big step for her. Once Avery was down for a nap Steven and I tried out the Kinect. It was a blast and we were exhausted after only a few games (it involved a lot of jumping, crouching and side stepping). Avery woke up shortly after and proceeded to throw up all over me, my jeans, the carpet, and herself :( I guess the formula didn't agree with her. I put her back to bed so that Steven and I could watch 21 Jump Street, it was hilarious!
Baskin Robbins
Earlier in the week Steven got the new iPhone 4S and I inherited his iPhone 4 (YES!!). I had been using a very crappy Korean cell phone for the past year and am so happy to have a decent piece of technology again. On Saturday we went to Osan to get phone cases. Steven made me drive to Osan :/ Driving around base is one thing but driving on the highway is completely different. You have to be an extremely aggressive driver to survive in Korea, I ended up white knuckling the steering wheel the entire drive. We made it to Osan in one piece.
I finally got my ring back!
Steven and I got awesome cases then did our grocery shopping at Osan's commissary. Steven drove us home thankfully so that I was able to enjoy a delicious deli sandwich :) That night we had dinner at Pagi and Eric's house. We had such a great time!
As per Grammy's request (Avery's great Grammy) a picture of the famous Pagi :)
Sorry its blurry haha
Avery Quinn - 17 weeks
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