This week started out with Steven having Monday off. He had 24 hour CQ (baby sit the soldiers in the barracks) on Sunday and got Monday off to recover. It was very mellow, Steven and Avery took a long nap together. I think the long nap messed up Avery's schedule because that night she woke up every hour on the hour screaming. From 330am-430am she cried non-stop, Steven and I tried to sooth her but nothing worked. I eventually gave up and brought her into bed with me, bad move. Avery started making little baby letters (parents will know what I'm talking about) so I barely slept. I ended up making a protective cocoon around her to protect her from Steven and the blankets so I was pretty stiff in the morning.
Pigtails :)
I had no time to recover as Wednesday is our busiest day of the week. Steven had to be up early for a Change of Command rehearsal so he took the truck. Pagi picked us up for bowling and we both did randomly awesome.

Avery started being a cranky pants at Lunch with the Ladies immediately after I ordered my food. I took her to Pagi's car to calm and feed her but instead she freaked out and kicked my Starbucks over so that I ended up sitting in a puddle of coffee. Avery and her blanket were also covered in coffee, I tried to clean her up but she made it impossible. After several minutes of her crying, screaming and flailing around I decided to call it quits and go home. Pagi came to the car to find the both of us crying and offered to take us home, I was so embarrassed that I declined and walked instead. I'm sure it was a site to see, an American (who already sticks out because of blonde hair) who looks like she peed her pants pushing around a screaming baby in a stroller through the streets of Korea. Avery and I attracted a lot of attention. Half way home I broke down and called Steven, he came and picked us up.
Our our daily walk
After several days of waking up hourly Avery randomly slept from 8pm-330am and then went back to sleep until 530am. It was amazing, so amazing that I overslept and didn't wake up until 615am. Steven had a follow up at 121 hospital and we needed to leave the house by 645am in order to make it to the 9am appointment. The appointment lasted about 5 minutes (so glad we drove 2 hours for that...), we got brunch and made the long drive back to Humphreys. We got our grocery shopping out of the way, ordered a pizza, made some brownies and stayed up watching terrible old movies :)

We ended this week on a good note. Steven got up and watched Avery so that I could get an extra hour of sleep. Avery and I then took her morning nap together while Steven did all the dishes and made cookies. We took Steven's delicious cookies over to Widener's house that afternoon. Widener and his wife invited over their air soft buddies for a BBQ. With all the excitement Avery refused to nap and got cranky. Steven walked her around for a bit then I walked her around the ville a few times. At 6pm I took Avery home so that I could put her to bed. We took our Xbox over to the BBQ so that the boys could play MW3, Steven stayed at Widener's so that the party didn't end because of a cranky baby, he only ended up staying another hour and a half though.
Watching Tosh.0
Other random news from this week:
Steven and I realized that neither of our schools had FB pages for our graduating year. I made a page for 2007 Meridian High School graduates on facebook. Within 23 minutes it had 184 members :) Steven made a page for 2007 Borah graduates, it has 16 members :)
Avery had some carrots, rice rusks, and apple juice this week. She is a fan of carrots and loves the rice rusks. Avery refuses to use a bottle so I tried to entice her with some diluted apple juice in a bottle, she managed to get 1/2 an ounce.
Rice rusks
Avery stood up for almost a full minute with the assistance of a chair.
I bought my ticket home. I'll be in Idaho from September 7th-23rd. I've been extremely homesick lately so being able to see my family is much needed. My mom is already prepping: diapers, wipes, baby food, etc. The less I have to pack the better since it will be my first time flying alone with Avery. That plane ride is not going to be fun, 16 hours with an 8 month old but it will be worth it. I really hope my Grammy will be able to visit and finally meet Avery.
Avery Quinn - 25 weeks
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