My baby is 6 months old! Avery had her 6 month well baby visit on Monday. The TMC (Troop Medical Center) always gives her super early appointments (9am or earlier) but she is a grump in mornings so this time I pushed for an afternoon appointment. She is roughly 16lbs and 26in, still tall and skinny. Avery is meeting all of her developmental milestones and has exceptional neck control according to the pediatrician. My poor baby had to get 3 shots :( but luckily there are no more shots until 12 months. The doctor advised that I stop feeding Avery at night when she wakes up so that she doesn't associate food with sleep. That was not a fun night.
Avery's leg after shots :(
By Wednesday Avery was only getting up 2-3 times a night. I still fed her at least once in the middle of the night for both our sake. It was my week to drive so I grabbed Pagi and we went to our bowling league (we alternate who has to drive every Wed). The third girl on our team didn't show up (she rarely shows up) and no one on the other team showed up. Pagi and I made quick work of our 3 games and went on our way. We took Steven his PT clothes and laptop then went to Pagi's for some lunch :)
"Mom, I need a diaper change"
Alyssa is a big sister, she can take care of Avery
I really wanted the truck on Thursday for my appointment at the TMC and to go to Aqua Fit but Steven wasn't giving in. I'm glad he didn't because on his way home to pick me up he got a flat. It was of course in the front right tire that we ran bald because of the brake issue last week. My friend Jess, who is due any day now, was kind enough to bring over her jack. Steven put the spare tire on which was also flat... The three of us had to take a taxi to my appointment.
I was going in to get the results of my allergy screen. The doctor told me I was allergic to Sulfa and Macrobid. I've known I was allergic to those antibiotics for 2 years. Apparently the idiots at Dankook injected me with medications I told them I was allergic to which is why I had such a painful reaction. Thank you Korean doctors for telling me something I already knew and not helping me at all. I was so aggravated!
I normally get the truck every other Wednesday and on Fridays but since the tire was toast I had to stay home :/ Steven put on a "new" tire which is holding up for now. After work we went to Jess' house to return her jack and give her a baby swing. We only bought the swing about a month and a half ago but Avery can escape from it. I've managed to catch her each time but I'm worried she will get hurt so we gave it to a friend who could use it, us Army wives have to look out for each other over here.
"Reading" the book she got from Nana&Papa
The weekend started early both days. Steven got last minute CQ to cover for people going to MudFest. MudFest is one of the biggest festivals in Korea held at a unique shell-powdered beach only found in Eastern countries. Basically you party and get muddy (you can be thrown in a jail if caught not covered in mud). So I was up at 5am to feed Avery and take Steven into work as he wanted to be there early. I didn't mind being up that early as Avery had slept in her crib from 6pm-5am :D

That day Steven asked to bring him his swim gear so that he could go to the pool during his lunch break. We swam with Alex (who was also covering some one's CQ that day) and his wife Allison. The water was way too cold for Avery so she sat on my shoulders as I swam. After the pool the boys went back to work but asked us ladies to get them some food. Allison and I went to the PX to grab lunch and somehow ended up with 6 drinks. It was a tedious drive back to the barracks haha. Avery and I took Steven dinner that evening and said our "good nights".

Sunday started out on a sour note. Avery got up a bit before 7am so I texted Steven letting him know we could pick him up. Its monsoon season (July-August) so we walked in the rain to the truck. I lost my good parking spot the night before when we took Steven dinner so we had to walk a bit in the rain. The brick sidewalk in our apartment complex is lined with a slippery grey stone. While putting the stroller in the back I ended up slipping and tweeking my shoulder :( I got a call from Steven right as I was pulling up to the barracks. Somewhere along the road we had crossed paths and didn't realize it because he was home and I was on base. He had sent me a text letting me know he didn't need a ride but I never got it.
"Duck face, duck face"
I came home to bad news. While on CQ someone spilled an alcoholic beverage on Steven's Macbook. He opened up the bottom of his laptop and it was still drenched. Needless to say the thing was toast. Our pictures, videos, music, etc are gone. Thankfully Steven got it worked out with the folks responsible and he was able to get a new Macbook Pro that evening.
Avery Quinn - 27 weeks
Steven at last Sunday's air soft game
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