For a few days Steven had been complaining about his missing shorts. He went to laundry mat on his way home from work to make sure he didn't leave the shorts in the dryer. He realized that there was an entire washer full of our clothes that he had forgotten to put in the dryer. They had been sitting there since Saturday (thankfully no one stole them) so he rewashed them. Avery and I put them in the dryer and spent the hour on base so that Steven could have some peace and quiet.
Helping mom do laundry
The next day Steven and I had an appointment to register Avery for the CDC (child development center). It was fairly quick but the lady wasn't able to answer many of our questions :/ She set up a Parent Orientation appointment for us next week to take a tour and such.
Steven and I had been signed up for a morale trip for some time yet we knew nothing about it. Steven tried to get some information about the trip but was unsuccessful. The night before the trip Steven was told what time to show up on base but that was it :/ I packed our bags while Steven and Avery took a bath. A friend was kind enough to let me borrow her pack n play for Avery since we don't have one.
We met on base early Wednesday morning and were told we couldn't drive our own vehicle. That sucked considering we had our bag, Avery's diaper bag, Steven's back pack, the pack n play, Avery's car seat and stroller, the boppy and Avery's bumbo. We loaded everything onto the bus.
Making friends on the bus
Our first stop was Gyeongbok Palace & National Folk Museum of Korea. Five minutes into the trip our camera battery died so we don't have many photos of the first half of the day. The museum was cool, Avery and I were more popular than most the exhibits though. We had several Koreans take photos of us and with us.
A swarm of Koreans around Avery and I
The Palace was completely outside (obviously) and it was really freaking hot!!! The sun was very strong, Avery and I were miserable. Lunch was at an underground buffet, it was pretty good, the air conditioning was amazing. After lunch our group was dropped off at Insa-dong which is a shopping street. We only had enough time to walk to the end of the street before the bus picked us up because we were behind schedule. We immediately headed to N. Seoul Tower. Steven and I stayed on the bus so that Avery wasn't out in the heat. We had already gone there for our anniversary so we weren't missing anything.

We went to a cinema to see Jump which was a non-verbal martial arts comic show. Another baby in our group started fussing so the mom and baby got kicked out of the theater. A theater worker then came and kicked out Avery and I :/ Avery was silent but we were guilty by association I guess. Thankfully there was a Korean Starbucks on the 1st floor. Steven left the show to hang out with us. He tried to order me a drink but the Korean employee couldn't understand us, a local who spoke Korean and English was able to translate for us. Once the performance was over our group headed out to dinner. After dinner we were finally able to check into the hotel. It was a relaxation hotel which meant there was no tv, no radio and was completely isolated. Our room had 3 twin beds which was lucky because we couldn't get the pack n play to lock. I made Avery a baby nest out of blankets to sleep in and we pushed the beds together. None of us slept very well that night. The room was too unfamiliar for Avery, the concrete slabs known as Korean beds were killing Steven's back and I was camped out in the bathroom completely sick to my stomach from the severe motion sickness the bus caused.

The next morning our chunky alarm clock woke us up bright and early. I was still feeling queasy and couldn't bring myself to eat breakfast (other than toast). Our group quickly ate, checked out and climbed back onto the bus. Our first stop of the day was Suwon Hwaseong Fortress. Steven and another father got the strollers from the undercarriage of the bus. One of the wheels had popped off our stroller so Steven crouched down to put it back on. The bus driver was in a rush apparently because he started driving away while the undercarriage doors were still open. The door almost took me out but Steven managed to pull me back in time to not be hit. I was one angry momma because Steven and Avery were both very close to the bus as well. Thankfully the day went smoothly after that.

At the fortress we got to try archery. Steven landed 4/10 arrows, I only managed to hit the target once but since it was my first time trying archery I call that a success :) The rest of the day Steven, Avery and I stayed on the bus. Avery was very tired from all the adventure so we took naps. We got back to base around 7pm that night. I was so glad to be home and sleep in my own bed!
Steven and I were looking forward to lazing around the house on Friday but unfortunately Avery's two bottom teeth decided to torture her. I could see two white bumps under her gums. My poor baby didn't sleep from 3am-7am which means neither did I. We were hoping that her gums would feel better the next day but that wasn't the case. Saturday Avery spiked a fever and was a little terror, our day consisted of Tylenol and frozen wash cloths.

On Sunday Steven went to an air soft game. Avery was a grump because of her teeth and I was a grump because I was trapped in the house (Steven took the truck). Some days I wish Avery was older so that I could go do fun things too but I can't bear to leave her for an entire day yet. I'm hoping that starting Avery in day care will allow the two of us to gain some independence. I can barely leave her to see a movie so its going to be a slow process. Its good that Steven still gets to go out though. Air soft helps him relieve stress. Steven also gets to sleep all night (Avery goes ballistic if he tries to touch her when she's sleepy) which keeps him rested. As a new mother I'm stressed enough and beyond exhausted so if Steven was as stressed and tired as I am we would probably kill each other LOL. When Steven got home that evening he took Avery and I out for dinner, we ate with Alex and Allison :)
Avery Quinn - 29 weeks
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