Wednesday was pretty mellow. It was Pagi's week to drive so she picked up Avery and I for bowling. Afterwards we were dumb/hungry enough to go to the food court during lunch. It was packed full of soldiers and a thousand degrees. We grabbed some food and ate it in Starbucks where it was cooler. We went to the hanger when we were done eating so that I could get the truck from Steven. Pagi and I hung out there for a little bit waiting for one of Steven's co-workers to get back from lunch, he had our GPS. Once I had the GPS back in the truck Avery and I went to AK Plaza to buy tickets for Dark Knight Rises. Avery began freaking out at the ticket counter so I rushed to get the tickets and get out of there. When I got home I realized that the woman had given me tickets for Thursday night instead of Friday night like I had asked for. When Steven got off work I swung by and picked him up so that we could go exchange the tickets. He bought me ice cream :)

The next day was just awful from the start. Steven left for work and called about 20 minutes later to inform me that he had been given last minute CQ to cover for someone. CQ for the second time in 5 days, I was not a happy camper. Steven always leaves me the truck when he has CQ but because this was sprung on him he had driven in that morning. I tried to find a ride on base and failed miserably. I did not want to take a taxi with Avery, her car seat, her stroller, her diaper bag, and Steven's backpack full of stuff he needed for CQ. I left my wallet in the truck so I didn't even have money to pay for a taxi anyways.

A few hours later Pagi called to say she could give me a ride. We met Steven at the PX, I took him back to the barracks then picked up Pagi from the hanger. We went to the CDC (child development center) to pick up a registration packet for child care. Steven and I think it would be a good idea for Avery to go there 1-2 partial days a week. To register Avery I needed a copy of her immunizations and a physical (luckily she doesn't need to get one because she just had her 6 month check-up). Pagi was trying to get a certificate of pregnancy so that she can park in the expectant mother parking spots on base and I was trying to get a doctor to sign off on Avery's latest physical, we were there for almost 45 minutes and neither task was accomplished. I was exhausted and Pagi had homework so I dropped her off and went home. Avery went to bed easily but I stayed up because our upstairs neighbors were killing each other.

The next morning Avery and I went on base to pick up Steven. He is supposed to be relieved at 7am but no one showed up to do it. We didn't get home until 8:15 :( Steven took a nap while Avery decided to make it impossible to get ready. She loves to pull hair and try to take my glasses haha. Pagi and Eric were kind enough to baby sit Avery that night while we saw Dark Knight Rises with Alex and Allison. The movie was 3 hours long so I was missing my little girl! Avery was not happy that we left her and as punishment got up a TON that night.
Hanging out with Pagi
Saturday was great. Steven and I walked around Osan's ville and tried a new Chinese place (well new to us). We went shopping at their commissary afterwards and got so much free food it was ridiculous. Avery gets 104 jars of baby food and 3 boxes of rice cereal a month from WIC and because I'm nursing I still get a ton of food too :) WIC saves us roughly $160/month in groceries. I'm going to be so sad when I don't get it anymore. We stopped by Widener's and Kendig's briefly, and did laundry on base before calling it quits.
Watching Mom clean
Sunday can be summed up into one word: LAZY. Steven was supposed to have an airsoft game that day but it was canceled due to rain. We decided to make it an all out lazy day and did as little as possible. It was wonderful!! Avery decided to add a new word to her vocabulary: dada :)
Avery Quinn - 28 weeks
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