I had my follow-up appointment this week. The doctor said my labs were perfect. I'm no longer anemic, my thyroid is still fine, and my kidneys looks spectacular - but still no reason for the itching. Avery was a perfect angel during my appointment which was really such a relief.
Keeping busy at the doctor
My mom stopped by after work to visit Avery :) It was a short visit so after she left we went to the pool. Avery wasn't really in a swimming mood but I got to splash around for 15 minutes before we went home. Steven had school that night so I enjoyed some alone time after Avery went to bed.
Avery attacking Mimi
Week 4 of hair and beard growth
Wednesday was absolutely gorgeous! Avery and I walked to the gas station for cold drinks. We got stuck in line behind two women who weren't wearing shoes, it was gross, they need a no shirt/no shoes/no service policy. That evening we went to Meridian for dinner with my parents. Steven and Quinn didn't get to see each other during regular Sunday dinner because Quinn got a position as a checker - they were having brother-in-law withdrawls. We found out that my grammy (my dad's mother) will be coming to Idaho at the end of June - I am SO excited! I haven't seen her in 3 years since I flew to California in 2010 so I could drive with my grammy and great grammy to Idaho for Quinn's high school graduation.
Trying to drink dog water
Avery has been a major klutz lately. In the past weeks she's smashed her fingers with the toilet seat, bounced off our bed and hit the side table, smacked her head on everything (I swear its a table magnet), fell over a push toy and split her gum (which was really freaky because there was so much blood!!). She's covered in cuts and bruises.
On Thursday, Avery took a very long nap which was great considering she got to bed late. When it came time to give her a bath the night before the water was a gross brown color. The maintenance guy informed us that they flushed the pipes so we had to keep running the water until it was no longer disgusting. We were supposed to meet Kristen and the boys at the park but a few minutes before Avery woke up from her nap Conner went down for his lol. I took Avery to Ann Morrison but it started raining almost immediately after getting there. Instead we went to Carter's to shop :D I found 5 cute items on the clearance rack and only paid $12 for all of them. After work Steven took Avery with him to the bank to deposit his first check from his new job!
Peanut butter jelly time
TGIF! Friday was amazing. My mom asked if Avery could spend the night so of course I agreed. Steven and I dropped her off after work then headed out to Caldwell to hang out with friends - their son also happened to be sleeping over at grandma's so we had a toddler-free evening!! The men grilled while Sarah and I had girl talk. Dinner was fabulous, we watched funny YouTube videos, and the guys played video games. Steven and I go on double dates but actually having a double date with another married couple who are also parents is refreshing, they GET you in a way that childless friend just can't.
Helping daddy get through the workday
Saturday was full of adventure. Steven got up bright and early to ride ATVs with his dad for Father's day. I went to Meridian to pick up my mom and Avery (who had spent the night with her Mimi) so we could check out garage sales. The plan was to find a gently used BBQ for Steven but no one was selling one. We ended up going to Walmart to buy a new BBQ but I found a nice one for under $100, an employee assembled it for free. My dad met us for lunch so we could pick up the BBQ after we ate. Afterwards my dad and I went to Albertson's for dinner supplies.

Steven was supposed to be gone all day but called to say he was heading home early. My original plan of having the BBQ all set up on te patio to surprise him kind of fell through at that point. When I got home I asked Steven to help me carry groceries inside, when he opened the trunk he found a BBQ instead :) That evening we had teriyaki tri tip, Hawaiian sweet rolls, carrots, mash potatoes and gravy, and sparkling cider. It was a great pre-Father's day.
Father's day 2013! I let Steven sleep in until 11, when he woke up we went out for breakfast. The three of us went to Cabelas afterwards to get Avery an infant life jacket, she screamed bloody murder when we put her in it to make sure it fit lol. She better get used to it because I will not let her near Lake Cascade without wearing it. We also hit up Babies R Us and Payless in search of water shoes for Avery. Our kid is so spoiled, she ended up getting water shoes, a life vest, baby back pack, mini ATV, and new sandals!!
Avery trying bacon - she wasn't a fan
Playing around at the toy store
We went to my parents' house for dinner that evening. Mom and I made tortellini alfredo with broccoli and shrimp for the men-folk. Okay, you got me. I didn't cook a damn thing, I rinsed the shrimp off and my mom did all the cooking lol. Avery played in the kiddie pool in the back yard and had uncle Quinn push her around on her ATV. Steven and I set up our tent in the driveway to let it air out, it hasn't been used in years. I'm getting really excited for our 4th of July camping trip :)
Avery Quinn - 17 months
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