This week started out pretty well. Steven and I met with a realtor to get the house-search rolling. We specifically asked for Yolanda, she helped Kristen find her home and, since I tagged along on many house viewings with Kris and Yolanda, I am already comfortable her. After our meeting we grabbed a bite to eat and went grocery shopping. I love when Kris is working, we always go through her check-out line. Even a minute of conversation with her is so recharging :)
Avery's new back pack
The next morning was a tough one, I was completely unable to fall asleep the night before. Steven was having a slow day at work so I was able to nap when Avery napped. I woke up feeling much better! Steven had class that night so after I put Avery to bed I cleaned and booked our tickets to California! My mom, dad, brother, Avery, and I will all be visiting California in October - Steven is staying behind because the week after our trip is his big annual hunting trip. My mom, Avery, and I are flying to California; Quinn and my dad are flying to Nevada, renting a car, and driving the rest of the trip. I am SO excited!!! I'm really going to miss Steven though. I'll be gone for a week and then a few days after I get back he leaves for a week.
Week 5
April showers? May showers? Nope, June showers. Wednesday was cool and rainy, it was such a nice change from the dry heat. Avery slept until 10 am that day! I thank the comfortable temperature and calming sound of the rain. Avery has recently fallen in love with taking walks. That day she took my hand and walked me to the front door. She grabbed the door knob and tried to open it, when she realized she couldn't she simply pointed to the door and said 'walk'. We went on a walk - Avery chased several neighborhood cats and meowed at them. We played on the swings for a bit before she saw a dog and chased after him while barking lol. Avery loves making animal sounds: dog, cat, monkey, cow, chicken, and horse are her favorites. She also does something we call 'monster baby' where she talks but in a super low growl voice - she cracks me up!

Nudity, Avery is obsessed with it. She spent most of Thursday running around the house semi-naked, I'm just thankfully she didn't have any accidents on my floor. My mom came over after work to have dinner with us :) My dad had left earlier that day to go see his brother, mother, and grandmother. My mom brought coffee and dinner which was very thoughtful considering she had a late lunch and didn't eat a bite of what she brought over.
New life jacket for camping
Steven had school that night and my mom snuck out shortly after he did. Avery has a melt down every time Steven or my mom leaves so we got smart and put her in the bath first. I was feeling very house wife-ish so I did 2 loads of dishes, a load of laundry, scrubbed the counters and stove, vacuumed, tidied the house and cleaned the bathroom - definitely a once in a blue moon event. I managed to do all of that while Avery was still awake, she decided to wait up for Steven instead of going to bed - he didn't get home until 10:15 pm!

Friday was date night! Avery had a slumber party at Mimi's house (my mother), she loves it there! Since my dad is out of town its nice for her and Avery to have some one on one time. Steven and I went out for dinner before meeting Quinn and Ashley at the movie theater. The four of us saw The Purge, it was a good movie but definitely could have been better. When Steven and I got home I realized I had no contact solution. I ventured out of the house wearing my glasses which is a rare event. Luckily the gas station was open at that time of night and had a small travel bottle of solution.
The next morning Steven and I woke up nice and late. Steven had fallen asleep on the couch the night before watching something on Netflix so I had the entire bed to myself! We went downtown for brunch but the wait was over an hour, Steven put our name on the waiting list. We ventured around the farmer's market to kill time. I haven't been there since I was pregnant with Avery. I remember accidentally walking when the sign said not to walk (I blame pregnancy brain) and then absolutely freaking out on a woman when she honked at me - oh pregnancy hormones. Anyhow, Steven was determined to find this homemade jelly that he loves and we went to every booth looking for it. We eventually found the jelly though and got a jar :)
After brunch we went to my mom's house. My mom, Avery and I went to Alberston's to get a tri-tip roast for dinner, Quinn was working the BBQ stand so we bothered him for a bit. Afterwards we cruised around a few neighborhoods looking for garage sales and drooling over homes that I could never afford. My mom's master plan is that Steven and I buy a small starter home and when our family grows we trade houses with my parents. They'll be empty-nesters and need a smaller home and we'll be a growing family that needs the extra bedrooms.

Dinner was fantastic, as usual. Quinn got stuck at work so he didn't get to partake in family dinner with us. We left after dinner so that Steven could pick up a tent he bought from a guy off of craigslist. We have a tent but are upgrading to something larger than can fit two adults as well as a pack n play. The man we bought the tent from happened to live in the same neighborhood as a long time family friend of Steven's. We didn't have their number so we decided to take a chance and stop by unexpectedly, thankfully they were home and happy to see us. Avery loved running around their big open backyard, I'm hoping we can give her that soon.
We decided not to go to Meridian for dinner on Sunday since we had gone out there the day prior, instead we hung out with Steven's father. Avery happily chased after the dogs and ran around the back yard. Steven grabbed a few of his camping items and fishing stuff for our trip. It was a very laid back Sunday afternoon, just we needed :)
Avery Quinn - 17 months
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