Thursday, January 23, 2014

Avery's Birthday

We celebrated Avery’s 2nd birthday on January 4th this year, her birthday wasn’t until the 8th (obviously) but my mother in law had to fly back to California before her actual birthday so we had the party early. The previous day I had ordered Avery a plain old cake but when I picked it up before the party the baker said she added a little something to make it not so plain. I opened the cake box to find Minnie and Mickey Mouse rings on her cake, the baker had no idea that Avery was having a Minnie Mouse party so it was perfect!

My nana bought Avery a Minnie Mouse dress from the Disney store, I was SO excited for her to see it. We put the dress on Avery about 1 minute before guests were due to arrive so she wouldn’t mess it up. It took longer than expected to get her in the dress because she wouldn’t stop hugging it.

The party was a huge success and much more enjoyable than last year. Last year we had JUST moved back, we were still partially jet-lagged, it was my first time seeing a lot of old friends, and I was overwhelmed by the fact that my baby was turning 1 year old. This birthday was much more fun, there was a lot less stress, Avery knew how to open her gifts, and she didn’t scream when we brought out the cake haha J

She insisted on wearing her new outfit

Saying bye to Conner

After the party I went out with Quinn, Ashley, and Steven. We hadn’t been on a double date in ages and we got to celebrate the fact that Quinn and Ashley were approved to rent a home in Nampa J We went to Red Robin for dinner and then went to see 47 Ronin – both were paid for with Christmas gift cards heck yes! Avery was still awake when we got back to my parents’ house, I’m pretty sure she was still riding the sugar rush from the cake. It took a while to calm her down enough for bed but once she was asleep I hoped in bed myself, Steven and I stayed the night at my parents’ house.

On Sunday I slept in AND got a massage!! Crazy right? Steven and I received massage certificates for Christmas 2012 and finally got around to using them in January 2014 lol. My mom watched Avery while we went to get our couples massage. The experience was weird for several reasons – 1st I had a dude massaging me. I have nothing against male masseuses and have had them before but this guy was a dude. I asked for medium pressure which he interpreted as ‘spine breaking, push you through the table and into the floor’ pressure. 2nd He didn’t actually massage me, he instead poked me a lot (I’m assuming pressure points or something??), either way it didn’t feel good, although I felt great afterwards. 3rd the place played upbeat music instead of the usual soothing sounds so it was hard to turn my brain off. And 4th was that Steven’s masseuse had the biggest fakest boobies and while massaging him “accidentally” put them on Steven’s face…yeah I kid you not. After the massage we were too tired to drive all the way home, we went back to my mom’s house for lunch and somehow ended up staying for dinner too lol.    

Avery Quinn - (almost) 2

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