On Wednesday, October 2nd, we got up bright and early for our flight. Mom had stayed the night with us so we could all go to the airport together. I toddler-wore Avery through security, it made things so much easier! Our first flight to Oakland was packed, Avery was good during the flight but decided to poop during descent the moment the seat belt light came on :/ For 15 minutes she cried about being poopy but we weren't allowed to get up to change her. We didn't change planes when in Oakland so when everyone got off the plane my mom changed Avery and we moved our stuff to a seat at the front of the plane. The flight to Orange wasn't nearly as packed so Avery got her own seat (except during take off and landing when she had to be in my lap). On the descent into Orange Avery passed out - of course she spent the entire flight fighting sleep and fell asleep right before landing. Thankfully Avery was so tired that she stayed asleep while we got off the plane, got all our bags, and waited for my cousin Brianna to come pick us up. Brianna wasn't able to find a parking spot so she dropped off her boyfriend, Taylor, to get our bags as she pulled up to the curb. We worked well as a team - Taylor loaded the bags, I installed the car seat, and mom held sleeping Avery (who finally woke up when we put her in the car seat.

My Uncle Randy (my mom's older brother) was already at Nana's house when we got there, he and his son flew in about an hour before us. I was told Uncle Randy and Riley were now planning to stay with Nana and Papa as well, I was expected to share a room with Riley and Avery which just wasn't going to work for me, there wasn't even room for her pack-n-play. Brianna invited me to stay with her, she and Taylor still live with his parents and they had a spare room for me. I took my things over to Taylor's house and went back to Nana's for dinner. That evening Avery refused to sleep in the pack-n-play :/ She ended up sleeping with me in a twin bed, we don't co-sleep because she's a bigger bed hog than I am so it was an interesting night.
The next day Brianna and I began making 120 party favors for the wedding. It was basically a roll of mints, wrapped in a cool paper, with a ribbon, a flower glued on, and a note that said "Mint to be". Mom and Nana went to the store, had lunch, and got their nails done while Brie and I made the favors. Brie and I decided to paint our own nails that evening before going to dinner with Taylor and Uncle Randy.
Putting make up on the dog
On Friday morning Brianna had school so I walked over to Nana's house - Taylor's parents live in the same area so it was an easy walk. Avery had stayed the night with my mom so that I could recover from the terrible sleep I got the night before. When I got to Nana's house everyone left to go to the church to set up for the wedding. My Aunt Lisa and cousin Hunter showed up at Nana's house shortly after, they had driven in from Oregon. Brianna showed up a little later after I had put Avery down for a nap, she took Lisa and Hunter to get some food while I obviously stayed home with the baby, it gave me time to make more party favors. My dad and Quinn showed up later that afternoon, they had driven from Idaho to California.

That evening we ALL went to dinner at Oggi's, an awesome pizza place that my cousin Austin works at - 'all' includes about 20 of us. After dinner Uncle Randy and Riley decided to stay elsewhere so I moved my stuff back to Nana's house, Quinn had planned to party that night with Brianna and Taylor so I let him take my spot at their house.
Me and Austin
Saturday was the big day. My grandparents renewed their vows for their 50th wedding anniversary. We all met at the church reception hall because family photos were supposed to be taken at 10 am but didn't even get started until nearly 11 am. Guests started showing up shortly after pictures so we all moved to the church for the ceremony. Avery was so cranky that I took her back to the reception hall and missed the entire ceremony :( I went back to the church after the ceremony for more pictures, Avery was only in 2 pictures before she hid behind a pew and pooped haha.
Nana, Mom, Avery (excuse the diaper she was trying to escape) and I
Nana and Papa with all the grandkids
We had a taco guy catering the event, the food was amazing! Avery sat at the kids table with other children - they had cars, coloring books, and dry erase boards to play with. I sat with Brie, Taylor, Dad, Quinn, and my cousins Rose, Dylan, and Austin. After eating I had my dad take Avery and I to my Uncle Mike's house, Avery had skipped her nap for the wedding and was very cranky. Avery passed out in the car so she didn't end up napping at Mike's house :/ plus I couldn't figure out his TV so we sat in silence for a few hours until everyone else showed up.
I went home with Mom, Dad, and Avery around 6pm - Quinn decided to stay at the party drinking and having a good time. He didn't get home until after 11pm, I only know that because he came into my room thinking he was sleeping there that night (to be fair we had been playing musical beds the entire trip - I slept in 5 different beds during that week).
Dad and Quinn drove back to Idaho the next morning, Aunt Lisa and Hunter also made the drive back to Oregon. Avery and I had plans to go to San Diego that day as well. Yvette and Lizette, Steven's cousin, came to pick us up in the morning. Avery slept the entire drive thank goodness! I finally spent money on my trip, I had gone 4 days without spending a penny but broke down and bought myself coffee. We went to Joanne's house, Yvette's sister, for a family party/football game. Avery wasn't really up for seeing so many new people and was quite a pain in the butt that day. I felt bad about her attitude because that side of Steven's family only got to see her for a few days when she was 6 weeks old :/
Avery and Jovan
Avery Quinn - 21 months
The second half of my vacation will be coming soon.