It was so nice to wake up in my own bed the next morning! Avery normally wakes me up but she was a little jet-lagged and was still asleep. I woke her up at her usual time to get her back on schedule. That day she walked around the house saying "I am home!" over and over again, it was adorable.
Avery's face when I told her there were no more stuffed animals
Steven spent most of Friday preparing for his hunting trip. My mom picked Avery up after work for a sleepover. Steven and I cashed his check downtown then went to dinner, we wanted to eat at Black Bear Diner where my sister-in-law works but there was 40 minute wait. We ended up eating at Twin Peaks which is basically the outdoorsman's version of Hooters, the girls wear tiny flannel tops (and I use the word 'wear' lightly) that leave little to the imagination. The food was pretty good, and I definitely want to go back for some of the other things I saw on the menu, but I don't think Steven will ever take me there again - he was sweating bullets trying not to look at any of the girls in front of me lol. After dinner we went to my father-in-law's house so the men-folk could load up the trucks and trailers.
On Saturday Steven left bright and early for his hunting trip. I vaguely remember him kissing me goodbye but pretty much slept through him leaving haha. I decided to be overly-productive so I didn't think about missing him. I got ready and cleaned the whole house while waiting for Yvette to bring the Neon over, Mike had been borrowing it for a few days. When she arrived we went to Costco for gas before I dropped her off at Mike's house. I went to Kidz Again in Meridian (a children's consignment store) to drop off a box of clothing, then headed to my mom's house. Avery, Mom, and I went to Albertson's to kill some time - I was going to a birthday party at 4 pm and my mom was going to watch a friend skydive at 4 pm as well. My mom bought me coffee and the people at Starbucks were SO nice! The cashier gave us raspberry pound cake for free and the barista made Avery a little drink for free - the drink contained chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and caramel drizzle! Needless to say Avery went berserk after that pure sugar drink and refused to nap. Never ever again will she get one of those little drinks haha.

Around 4 pm we parted ways. My parents went to the DZ I used to jump at to watch Jan's youngest son and mother go skydiving. I would have liked to go but it was best I didn't, I'm too poor to skydive and watching friends do it would've sucked. I took Avery over to Kristen's house for Cassius' 1st birthday!! It was a truly amazing day. Cassius was born 12 weeks early at only 28 weeks, he was 2 lbs 5 oz. Little Cassius stayed in the NICU for 85 very LONG days but came home 1 day before his original due date of January 4th. Looking at Cassius today you would never guess he was born premature. The party was a lot of fun and it took my mind off of missing Steven. Cassius was not shy about his cake smash, it was adorable! I was pleased to see that Avery was using her manners even with strangers around. I heard her say please and thank you multiple times, she also used "excuse me" a lot, its her favorite 'manner word'. When it was time to go Avery and Conner gave each other a hug and kiss, Avery said "I love you Conner" and Conner said he loved her too - I nearly went into a cuteness overload. That evening was uneventful and quiet without my husband.

Newborn Cassius
Cassius after his cake smash
Avery trying to get into Conner's hiding place
On Sunday I went over to my mom and dad's house. Quinn had work that day but he was able to eat dinner with us during his lunch break. Avery helped my mom in the garden a little bit, she pulled some carrots :) We didn't stay too late because I wanted to try and get to bed early but I failed miserably at that. I got into bed and decided I would read a few pages of A Game of Thrones which is the first book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, well reading just a few pages of this book is impossible and I ended up reading for 4 hours before I even realized what time it was.
Avery Quinn - 21 months
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