On Monday I got up at 5am for no good reason, Avery slept soundly until 7am. That day Yvette, Joanne, Avery, Lizette, Jovan (Steven's other cousin), and I all went to the beach - Jovan and Lizette took the day off school to hang out with us. It was Avery's first time at the beach, she didn't like the sand or the water haha.
We let her nap at Joanne's house before packing up her things and taking her to the aquarium. It was small but Avery had a lot of fun running around and yelling "FISH!!!!!!". After the aquarium we made the long drive back to Tustin, Avery unfortunately did not sleep during the drive. Brianna picked me up shortly after arriving at Nana's house so we could have dinner, just the two of us, she had a Panera gift card so we went there - the food was awesome.
My mom, Nana, Avery, and I had breakfast with a friend of my mom's on Tuesday morning. After Avery's afternoon nap my mom and I took her to meet her Great Great Grandma for the first time! I was so happy to see my Great Grandma, we didn't get to see her when we visited last March because she was sick and didn't want Avery around her :( I hadn't seen her since 2010 when Quinn graduated high school, I flew down to California and drove back up to Idaho with my Great Grandma and my Grammy :)

When my mom and I got back to Nana's house I met my childhood best friend, Kelly, and her fiance, Luis, in the park. I only had about 20 minutes to visit with them because I already had dinner plans that evening. We chatted for a bit and exchanged gifts - Kelly gave me a friendship bracelet, and I gave her a hand-made cross stitch of our childhood memories. After gifts Kelly and Luis walked me and Avery back to Nana's house. I was only inside the house for about 10 seconds before we all piled in Nana's car and left for dinner.
The gift I made for Kelly
The bracelet she got me
We went to Tulsa Rib Co for dinner. Mom and I split a half rack of ribs and it was more than enough food.
Coloring at the restaurant
I woke up ridiculously early on Wednesday morning so we could go to the airport at 730am. Going through security was a breeze with my Ergo :) Our first flight to Vegas was packed so Avery didn't get her own seat, thankfully it was a really short flight. We met up with Yvette in Las Vegas and wandered around the airport, our second flight was delayed so we had plenty of time to kill. I played a few bucks on the slot machines, it was my first time gambling, I lost everything haha. On the flight to Boise my mom, Yvette, Avery, and I all sat together. Steven was waiting for us when we got to Boise, we all got in the Durango and went back to my house. Steven had to go back to work so Yvette stayed at our house for a bit while he made an important call while I took my mom home. That evening Steven made dinner, did the laundry, and completely cleaned the house. Avery put up a fight when it came to bed time, we had been co-sleeping the entire week so she had trouble going back to the crib. I think I am done traveling indefinitely.

Passed out - LOVE my Ergo
Lita, Avery, and Mimi
This is only half of the weekly blog because it wouldn't let me upload anymore photos. I'll get the second half out soon :)
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