I'm finally back from vacation and back to blogging. Steven is leaving this weekend for a hunting trip so I should have plenty of time to catch up on the past weeks. So let's get things started with the week of September 16th.
Monday kind of sucked, but what Monday doesn't? I had a dentist appointment at 2 pm in Meridian and no one to watch Avery - when I made the appointment we were still living in Meridian and Steven had Mondays off of work. My amazing mom took a half day at work to watch Avery for me. I dropped Avery off at her work since I live 5 seconds away from her office. I was looking forward to going to the dentist because honestly its the longest stretch of time I get to lay down during the day without a toddler around but this appointment was less than pleasant. I've been pretty sick the past week and because of it my gums have been sensitive. I've been so congested that I had to resort to mouth breathing or risk suffocation and that also has made my gums sensitive. My trip to the dentist was a blood bath, gross I know. Even now as I'm writing this (10 hours since my appointment) my gums are still throbbing :( On a lighter note, the dentist said I have beautiful strong teeth and I've still never had a single cavity.

After my appointment I hung out with my mom for a bit, catching up on our guilty pleasure shows. Avery did not want to leave her Mimi when it was time to go later that day. Lucky for me Avery passed out in the car on the drive home, I sat in the car with her an extra 15 minutes when we got home so she could catch some Zzz because she missed her nap for my appointment.
On Wednesday I updated my iPhone to iOS7, as of right now I really don't like the new update. Steven had to delete 1300 photos off of my phone to do the update, he put them all on his computer - I'm pretty sure at least 1280 of those photos are of Avery haha. We went to Yvette's house after work, she bought us dinner and we all went over to Mike's house to eat it as a family.
I hung out with my mom on Friday after work. We went to Alberston's to get her some salsa supplies then headed to payless to look for shoes for my grandparents' wedding. Avery screamed bloody murder when we tried to put shoes on her, it was ridiculous! My mom tried on several pairs of shoes but didn't find anything she really liked.
Week 17
Yvette wanted Avery that night since she was leaving on Sunday. She came over to get our Durango and took Avery to Mike's house for the night - I was nervous about that because the change of venue was sprung on us last minute and Avery had never stayed at Mike's house before. Shortly after Yvette took Avery my dad invited us over to watch the game, my mom was going to the Meridian High School football game so I went with her instead. The game kind of sucked, Meridian got their butts kicked and we ended up leaving at the end of the 3rd quarter. When we got home there was still a few minutes left in the BSU game, they ended up losing by 1 point!
Even though Steven and I had stayed up until 2 am on Friday night we were up early on Saturday morning. Steven was already dressed and heading out the door when I got out of bed, he was going over to his dad's house to see Avery. Less than an hour later Steven returned home to pick me up for breakfast. Yvette had left her truck at our house the day before when she took our Durango so we drover her truck to breakfast. Steven's parents bought us breakfast at the Black Bear Diner where Steven's little sister works. Steven and I split a plate of food and it was plenty. After breakfast Yvette took her truck home and we took Mike with us to Cabela's. Avery was over-stimulated and over-tired so she was acting like a mental patient in the store - it was hilarious and infuriating at the same time. We dropped Mike off and got Avery home for a nap. It was her first day trying almond milk, she really liked it. While Avery was sleeping I ran a few errands and stopped by Yvette's place to pick up our family photos, they turned out great :)

That evening we took Avery to my mom's house for a sleep over. I was very anxious about being away from Avery for two nights in a row (even though I had spent the day with her) but we're trying to get me comfortable with the idea. Steven and I would like to spend a weekend in McCall for our anniversary this year but I need to have a few practice weekends before I really leave my baby for a whole weekend. To keep my mind busy we went out with Quinn and Ashley, we met them at Big Al's to watch football. Steven and I couldn't afford to eat or do anything but Quinn insisted on buying us dinner. It was such a nice gesture but really made me feel like shit, until I get a job I won't be able to do the same for him :/ After I got over feeling sorry for myself we really enjoyed ourselves. We had gone to Big Al's for the game but didn't watch it because we were all talking so much. After dinner we played a few arcade games while waiting for a bowling lane to open up. We got a lane for timed bowling - basically you buy the lane for an hour and play what you can in that time. The four of us were able to play two games during that time, I won the first game and had the highest score overall for both games :)

Sunday was so much fun. Steven and I got up bright and early to go shooting. We were able to sleep in until right before we had to leave because we didn't have a toddler slowing us down. My father in law, Mike, drove us to the middle of nowhere to go shooting, we met Steven's grandpa out there - the drive took about an hour. Steven, Mike, and his grandpa shot rifles for a while - I shot Steven's rifle once at 100 yards. Steven and Mike moved the target back to 200 yards and shot at it for a while more. I shot Steven's rifles twice this time. When we switched to shooting pistols we moved the target closer. I got to shoot my gun for the first time and ended up sucking - Steven, Mike, and grandpa also fired my gun and did terrible. It took a bit to get a feel for my gun but once I did, I did a lot better, I even shot the center out of a clay pigeon. Grandpa let me fire his Judge and once was enough for me, that thing is crazy. We left around 2 pm and got to my mom's house just before 4 pm. My parents made tacos for dinner and Quinn gave me his coffee when we got home from work, it was my first hot drink from Starbucks. Steven and I were exhausted by the time we finally got home.

Avery Quinn - 20 months
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